Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 22 - September 27, 2017

September 22, 2017
Ugh…I had to go to a clinic today, due to the burning in my throat.  It took me about 2 hours all told to get checked out, get my medicine, and then get home.  I had to skip my editing due to the exhaustion and get a nap.  I think the medicine is helping because as I write this, I feel noticeably less shit.  But still, tired.  Tried liver with my yakiniku as well and while not terrible, it’s not my thing.  I prefer horumon.  Just…so very tired right now, so I want to rest.
September 23, 2017
Pardon my French, but fuck waiting in line.  I…do not get why the Japanese will line up, out the door or up stairs, for a hamburger at Mcdonalds or for $1 sushi…the lines are just…well, let me put it this way.  If you want lunch at any time from 11:30-1:00, screw you.  You are going to be in lunchtime rush hour hell and it’s…in China of all places, I could always find a seat or whatever when meal time rolled around, but here…there just aren’t any.  You could build another 2-3 Mcdonalds or whatever and it still wouldn’t be enough to fill to capacity.
Today, the waiting and other things have made me feel very old.  The goal was to take it easy, but I still went out for a bit.  The second hand shop I knew is gone.  Bulldozed to the ground.  Fantastic…sigh…I’m tired.  I went to a nerd shop where they sell games, figurines, claw catchers, etc. and I just…couldn’t get up any enthusiasm for it.  Even around my beloved Gundam models, I just felt…what’s the point?  And I feel that way a lot now.  Fatigue, maybe, but I am so much more jaded and disillusioned compared to when I was here in college.  The pizzeria, which is named Ionia in case I forget, always has a little space, so I got a pizza there.  And seriously, why would you pay like 1000 yen for a hamburger and wait an hour for it when you could pay 1700 yen for a salad, a delicious cream based pizza, and where you are seated immediately?  I…do not get it.
Going to write and play a new game called Alwa’s Awakening tonight.  I’ve been wanting to try it for a while, so that’ll be fun.  Mostly, I’m tired, so I’m going to be resting.  Did I forget?  Yeah, I did, the doctor said I had bronchitis, so I need fluids, medicine, and lots of rest.  So, I intend to do that on Saturday evening and Sunday.  Now, excuse me…going to collapse.
September 24, 2017
Writing continues to be hard for me at different times.  When you get in the zone, it’s easy, but actually finding the time and where withal to get into the zone is…difficult.  I finished my chapter, but it needs revisions.  I had a low key day with medicine, fluids, and food being the big highlights.  Finished Alwa, which was frustrating as all hell near the end, and decided to try Dead Cells on Steam as I wait for Nioh’s DLC to launch.
This is one point I want to comment on financial stability and freedom.  I am not rich, but…it has taken time to get used to the idea that I have…money, essentially.  I can literally go out and drop a 50 or 60 or even 200 or 400 on games and a game console and be…fine, if I wish.  So, I’ve been finding it…freeing, as I don’t need to wait for sales or watch the charts like a hawk or any of that BS.  I can just buy a game I want, if I want it.  True, I am waiting for my games from the US, but being able to just buy and play is…liberating.  It makes me feel like I did when I was a kid and I could get what I wanted with my job or allowance money, but now, I’m not ignorant and stupid about it.  I realize the value of money and can still indulge myself and being able to do that is…intoxicating.  Really quite cool.  Still, I must temper my newfound freedom.  My years of frugality and poverty will be useful in this regard.
Still, I do love me some ice cream…so there’s always money for ice cream.  Not even kidding, I cannot seem to get enough of that.
September 25, 2017
Not much to say today.  It was my last day teaching on Monday for about six months.  I feel bad because I didn’t tell my kinder students and they’re adorable…probably won’t be a thing, but I don’t want my little ones just going, “Where’s Stephen?  Things are different and I don’t like different!”  Anyway, beyond that, nothing special.  I think I’ve mellowed on the idea of being fired.  Nothing to be afraid of now.  Whether or not I get renewed for another year is another matter, but I maintain that I would still like it.  I like this town.
I had eel for dinner tonight and while good, I wouldn’t again because the cost is crazy high.  Staying up later and getting up later it seems, as well.  Just making an observation.  As long as I get my reading and editing in, I don’t care that much.  Still, tomorrow is the hardest day of the week for me, so…gonna hit the hay.  Till later.
September 26, 2017
Sigh…still feeling a bit sick, though my medicine has helped.  We’ll see if I need another trip to the hospital on Friday or whenever.  Tuesday is always difficult.  I made it through my morning classes, which are usually the hardest, with few issues and things went a bit better controlwise and in terms of innovation.  However, I am struggling with workload.  I am days ahead of it and still I feel like I’m struggling due to the Eiken.  Trying now to create new material to help with the reading tests, but…ugh…so tired.  I also somehow got the wrong Eiken material for one of my classes and had to run and get the book to get them through it.  And then there was an impromptu class where all my plans were cancelled, but the student, despite not being as skilled as others, was willing to try hard and that really, truly makes the difference.  They have room to improve, sure, but I love teaching them because they enjoy talking and are willing to experiment.  Others have a problem with that…I don’t know how else to coax them out of their shell beyond forcing it with mandatory timers.  To top it all off, my last class cancelled, but didn’t call, so, as an honorable man must, I waited until the end of the class to leave.  The class never happened, but still I stayed, just in case.
So, I am tired…days like this destroy me.  We also had to set up holiday stuff.  Not too big a deal, but…I dunno, holidays have lost their luster for me, being all alone out here. I like the Halloween atmosphere, but…I don’t feel in the spirit, I guess.  When I got home, I basically watched the new Duck Tales for most of the night.  So very good.  Sooooooooo very good. Now, I need rest…or perhaps need is the wrong word, as my sleep schedule has shifted to later nights and later mornings.  We’ll see if it’s worthwhile…I dunno.  Gonna cuddle with my lamb, Totoro, and Cthulhu pillow now.  Bye.
September 27, 2017
I used all my medicine and still I suffer.  May need to go back to the hospital for more soon.  Today was fine, but since we are doing Eiken, Halloween stuffs, and regular teaching, I feel a bit stretched thin, as I’m trying to improve materials, get my regular planning done, plan for Eiken stuff, and deal with the stress of it all and it is wearing on me.  I felt okay going in today and now I just feel so very tired.  The kids who try are what keep me going, as I don’t want to let them or my fellow teachers down.  So exhausted, though.  This weekend will be long for me, as this is the switchover weekend.  So, I get three days here and sacrifice one day from my long vacation to even things out.  Picking up my shinkansen ticket Saturday and may finally try to eat at that Mexican place. Unless I have to go to the hospital again…

New Nioh content is nice.  It’s similar to the old stuff, but I’ll take what I can get as I wait for my stuff from the US.  I didn’t play too much.  Just an hour or so. I felt tired near the end of my session, so I wanted to just take it easy…instead, I ended up editing this for you fine folks.  I hope you appreciate.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 14 - September 21, 2017

September 14, 2017
Today was fine, but frankly, I didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night.  I managed like…what, 2-3 hours?  Then I got a Tsukimi burger from KFC and just crashed.  My classes went fine, I still worry I’m using too much Japanese, however my students are doing well and we had a small test with a few who did excellently, which is great.  I am tired though and I feel like my toe is going to be a problem, as it’s painful and seems like it’s got pus in it…for some reason. I dunno, I had the same issue with my finger some months back.  I’ll survive, one way or another.  Right now, though, I’m just tired and it’s looking like catching back up on my sleep is unlikely, since it’s 1:26 as I write this.  Going to try and sleeping now.
September 15, 2017
Before I just collapse, I’ll say that today was fine, yakiniku was good, I was lucky since all the tables were filled that two guys were on their way out, otherwise, I’d have had to pass on it. My feet have been causing me issues, most notably that I might be developing athlete’s food for the first time ever, as the skin between two of my toes is cleft…fun stuff.  Trying to mitigate it and will look for medicine tomorrow.  If I have time/energy, I also want to go to the bath house and check out the rice fields. Right now, though, I’m just tired.  I spent a lot of today laminating things and cutting them out and my hands are not thankful for it.  I’m trying to at least up my game a bit.  Also, I should just say here that when someone is sad or unhappy, that is not a free ticket for giving advice.  Telling someone what they should be doing can be just as damaging or worse than the reason for them being sad because sometimes, we just want true empathy, not a solution that we never asked for.  We’re all adults here, so we can handle our own lives…sometimes though, we want others to understand that yes, I do live in a magical land called Japan, but no, that doesn’t mean it’s free of problems.  And I do have quite a few.  What I want is to be able to rely on people.  But life has kind of taught me that…it’s a crap shoot at best if you can and at worse, it’s Russian roulette with six bullets in the chamber.  And that’s just depressing.  Anyway, life goes on as always.  I continue to be the reliable one…god help me.  I got this from my father.  We both do the right thing and I’m proud of him the same way he is of me, but it’s just frustrating that we’re the ones who have to…and only us.  Till tomorrow, everyone.
September 16 – 17, 2017
Another week, another weekend.  Tried to do Overwatch on Sunday, but my peeps weren’t on, so I didn’t.  On Saturday, I got some medicine for my foot. Seems to be helping, as the itching has gone down along with the tenderness.  I saw the rice fields, going from green to yellow, and got a bath.  All was good.  I hit some stumbling blocks with my writing, as I felt…conflicted on how the story was going.  I think it’s okay now, but…we’ll have to see.  I bought two new games online. 
The Unfinished Swan and Entwined.  Both are supposed to be like Flower and Journey from the PS3, and so far, I love Entwined.  The story of a fish and a bird in love, forever together, always apart.  And you guide them to becoming one and finding eternity together.  It’s a love story with an art style that is truly zen and moving.  Highly recommended.  The Unfinished Swan is like a children’s fable, starting out stark white, but you have the power to paint…you can’t add color so much as make a path or make vines grow or spread light using your paint balls, but it’s a charming experience.  Less zen and more whimsical.  Again, very short, but…interesting.  A testament to both the journey being more important than you think, but also a prayer that all us creators do finish what we started.  And that all us people are better than those who came before us as people go.
Beyond that, I’ve just been tired, so I was resting on both Saturday and Sunday.  I finished off my family’s care package to me and I have to say, it was all good, cept for the dried peaches.  Dunno what happened with them, but not for me.  I still ate them, though.  Honor the intention of the sender and my parents wanted me to have something healthy, so I ate them. Still waiting for my shipment to arrive from the US for more games and books and for the end of September for more Nioh DLC.  Aside from that, not much to report.  I like spending the weekends in, especially after a rash of sickness and foot issues.  When it gets cooler, which it mercifully seems to be, but the weather does flip flop, I want to head down to the beach again.  Not to swim, mind you, just to be there.  The journey is what matters, after all.  Also, another tsukimi burger.  Still very good.
I should also note that people have associated me with having a sweet tooth here. It doesn’t really apply in the US since I don’t like American sweets, but I like the ice cream and other sweets here because they are sweet, but don’t have too much sugar.  Also, more veggies and yogurt in my diet.  I am in a bit of a rut, with having similar meals during the week, but they’re balanced, so that’s what matters.
September 18, 2017
Nothing says Natori like not getting sleep and nothing prevents sleep like hurricane force winds.  Not just America dealing with this shit.  So, my house was rocking and rolling all night and I was just having to deal with it as best I can.  Monday was fine, but since we’re doing Eiken style practice, I have a problem where I have to read out loud a lot of listening exercises.  This is tearing up my throat since it is still a bit tender from my sickness.  Want to say my foot is getting better, but honestly, I don’t know.  The anti-bacterial medicine I got does make a nice cast to protect it when the stinging stops, so…there’s that.  Life goes on as it ever does.  Hoping to talk to a friend tomorrow morning…we’ll see.  Also going to start a new game tonight called Tooth and Tail which should be interesting.  More on that later. Was super tired this morning and still am to a degree, so going to rest now.  Later.
September 19, 2017
Ohhhhhhhh…man…Tuesdays are always rough.  Today, we had a packed schedule on top of the already hard to manage classes.  One class had to be denied their Uno time because they were really bad.  Only on Tuesday, man.  Only Tuesday. That said, I did have some good moments.  A level check with a man who said he was sixty six, but had the look of a man in his forties…he reminded me of my dad with all that fountain of youth water being drunk.  And I did have to stay late, but the guy I teach Tuesdays is a lot of fun to talk to.  Yes, we do academic stuff, but he’s so interested in culture and we have such lively discussions.  And a room full of girls anime squealed when one of my demonstration pictures for introverted was their anime boyfriend hunk.  It’s been a while since I’ve seen that.  All in all, not great, but with some interesting high marks.  I definitely find it easier to teach the older students, thanks to my prior experience, but a lot of what makes the younger ones hard to teach is on a case by case basis.  Wednesday, for example, I have three amazing classes in a row, so…that’s nice.  I talked with a good friend of mine this morning and I feel like I was a bit more…rough around the edges than usual?  Not mean, but just less decorum, due to it being the morning and me being tired.  We’re both stretched a bit thin, so she was loopy and I was a bit exhausted.
Ooooo!  Before I forget, my level check had an Enka singer recommendation.  Yukino Ichikawa!  I need to see what her music sounds like.  Tomorrow, I hope to reserve my Shinkansen tickets, either in the morning or evening, not sure which.  I also was going to go grocery shopping this week, but I need to go out and buy a few things for the school tomorrow morning, so…obligations may prevent me until the following week. We’ll see.  Now, I need to rest.  Talk to you all later.
September 20, 2017
Wednesday was fine, for the most part.  I have been going to bed later, so I’m waking up tired, but I managed to do what needed to be done.  The computer mouse at our school died, so I volunteered to get a replacement because…well, it’s me.  So, I did that, ate ramen for lunch, and took a nap.  I wanted to go to my bento shop for dinner after my initial classes, but it was raining hard, so I couldn’t. Loaded up on bread instead and…I feel mixed because the taste it good, but it sits in the stomach, you know? Classes were fine tonight.  It was a bit weird because of the low number of students, so I did some Eiken, passive, and conditional practice with different classes of 1 student each.  I like Wednesdays, after all.
Tonight, I bought my shinkansen ticket from Hokkaido to Sendai and I will go pick up the ticket at the end of September.  Finally, I have everything settled and I can relax. In gaming news, I’ve been playing Tooth and Tail which, despite having an interesting theme, is a bit frustrating at times due to some game design I find…tiresome.  Either way, I do like it, but I’m just killing time until I get my shipment from the US or until the Nioh DLC is released, whichever comes first.  Now, I need bed.  Been up too long and probably going to pay for it tomorrow.  Either way, life goes on…see you.
September 21, 2017

For god’s sake…my throat was on fire all day today.  I survived by chugging water and my special cough drops, but Jesus…I was almost broken today because of all the reading I had to do for the eiken tests.  Sigh…and, it looks like I’m going to miss my editing on Friday due to the fact that I need to go to the bloody doctor and I’m going to try and get up at about 8:30 to do it…god bless it…I am tired of being sick.  I feel slightly less like death after getting some ginger drink from the 711, because it helps with the pain, but…good god, I don’t even know WHY this keeps happening. I feel okay because I beat Tooth and Tail, got up to probably the max rank I want in Gwent, and have been listening to the Unexpectables, which…an orc, a tengu, a demon man, and a dragonling get turned into dogs…that sounds like I’m leading into a joke, but no…that actually happens.  Good god, I love this podcast.  Anyway, sleep, but first I need to edit these entries so I don’t fall behind with my postings.  Till later.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 6 - September 13, 2017

September 6 – September 7, 2017
It’s been a rocky couple of days for…reasons?  Yes, let’s go with that.  Reasons.  I can’t reserve my Shinkansen ticket until later in the month.  I managed to get my boat reserved, which was nice, but I still need to reserve my hotels.  I am very tired.  I got medicine for my sore throat and cough, which worked better than I expected, BUT I also started to feel woozy today, Thursday, and had to run to the store to get some fever medicine.  No, I didn’t request time off or take a break.  Because my honor screws me…or saves others, depending on how you look at it, hehe.  I can laugh now because I’m in my A/C filled house and listening to the Unexpectables. 
Anyway, what can I say?  Well, I cleaned my house today…which was raining…again…so I had to air out my futons in my house…again.  Nice.  Sigh.  Anyway, I managed to get my stuffs clean and I have fresh sheets and all.  Thankfully, I was also able to get a good nap because I HAVE NOT been getting enough sleep lately.  I have, however, managed to do a good job with my classes so far.  I have to say, I am proud of a few of my students.  They’re rising to the occasion and really improving and it warms my heart.  Almost as warming is my adult class where, despite being sick and almost down, I got to talk with a student I dearly love and we had a great time just swapping news, English words, and the like.  I also need to say that thank god I prepare ahead of time for things.  I’ve had a lot of stress trying to get my project to make notes for my replacement on Monday.  Not getting canned, just swapping days, relax people.
I love Gwent, by the way.  This has been a good week for Gwent.  Despite my earlier problems with it, the game is being balanced well and I have had good time with it and Nioh.  Connected with an old student in China, as seems to be happening a lot, and making plans to talk with other friends. Thankfully, my week is almost up, the work on my project is almost done and despite my sickness, I’ve managed to persevere.  I also must say how much I love the Unexpectables podcast.  Best DND podcast I’ve ever heard.  So funny and so re-listenable to.  Anyway, I also realize now I didn’t post my pictures from Zao due to stress last weekend, so I will do that this weekend.  That should be all.  Pleasant travels, everyone.
September 8, 2017
God…I’m not like, debilitatingly sick now, I’m annoyingly sick, where it’s tedious and exhausting, but not crippling.  The cough is annoying.  The light fever is annoying.  The fatigue is annoying.  Anyway, I got through my classes and also finished my project of making notes for the big switchover so my replacement for Monday will have an easier time of things since my handwriting is relatively poor.  We also had the A/C guy come by my house today because it was leaking again and I feel bad whenever I have to call him because he’s such a sweet maintenance worker and I don’t want to cause him trouble.
Anyway, Yakiniku is good, as always, but I am super tired.  Found out the DLC I bought for in Nioh gets its final release this month, which is sweet, so I have things to play until my packages from the states get here.  Hopefully, next week I can get the rest of my reservation nonsense taken care of for the Hokkaido trip.  For now, I’m calling it a night.
September 9, 2017
Was going to head to the bath house today, but…eh, with my sickness and my family talking with me early in the morning, I just didn’t feel like it.  Headed to the crazy good pizzeria again and got Mutton curry.  Would have been great…if not for all the crazy peppers there.  Sigh…cannot stand peppers.  I ate them, because I paid for it, but I know I’ll be burping peppers and feeling heartburn for the rest of the day.  Anyway, I do have some news on the Tsukimi burger front.  Mcdonalds had them today and I got some for dinner.  Not a perfect taste test since I bought it at 1 and ate it at 6, but it still tasted good.  The fries were not impressive five hours later, but the burger…it’s literally just a bacon cheeseburger with an egg on it, but SOMEHOW they have a magical special sauce and the egg is just solid enough and just runny enough to unlock a magical flavor sensation.  It’s crazy and it’s only in September…or is it only in Autumn?  Not sure, I’ve heard conflicting reports.  Still good, even later
That said, I have just been chugging medicine today and also playing Nioh.  It’s been relaxing to a point, but I am seriously super tired, as I nearly needed a nap after my trip to the pizzeria, which is about 30 minutes away by bike, so not an insignificant trip. I plan to write tonight since tomorrow will be pretty busy for a day off.  Probably heading to the bathes next week, assuming I’m feeling better. Also, I finally got the Zao pictures posted, so check those out if you haven’t.
September 10, 2017
Oddly disappointing as far as days go.  Wires crossed meant that a lot of my talking times with a few friends had to be canceled and I had a minor stomach bug today.  I’m mostly finding I don’t want to start a new game while I wait for my stuff to arrive in the mail, so I had some moments of indecision as to what to even do today, but…ehhh, it was fine, I got to rest a bit.  My cough is better and I think my fever isn’t an issue, but I’ll still take the rest of my medicine tomorrow to make sure.  Also, I found that KFC does their own version of a Tsukimi chicken burger and it’s pretty good.  A bit messier than Mcdonalds, but still nice, I liked it a lot.  I found myself wondering if my diet is okay, honestly.  I feel like I eat more veggies and balanced/smaller meals here, but I just don’t know and my stomach issues have made me question.  Either way, trying to eat better and get more low fat snacks, like yogurt.  Still have to have treats sometimes though. The weekends always feel too short, but at least I had some time to rest.
September 11, 2017
Today was just exhausting in a number of ways.  I got a super long nap from like 11:30 until 1…I must have really needed it because I just dropped like a fly after lunch and my chapter reading.  I will miss some of my students on Monday, but I also have some of the most tired students and some difficult ones as well, so maybe the trade won’t be so bad.  I don’t know.  I just know that I am tired.  Super exhausted from a day that’s supposed to be easy.  To be fair, I don’t really take time to do nothing at work.  I always need to be doing something, unless I am taking like a 5-10 minute breathing break to just…survive.  The temperature in the school is never where I need it, which is sad, because the weather is improving, though it’s still too hot for bloody September.  I got another care package from my family, which was good and I am trying to adjust my diet with more fruits, veggies, yogurt, and stuff to make my stomach problems of the past be just that…of the past. Sleep is what I need to regulate now, as I never seem to get enough.
In news about the Hokkaido trip, I think I’m shelving Noboribetsu, the hot spring town, and Biei, the beautiful blue pond, for right now.  I can do those later, even if I have to leave the country or find new work. For this first trip, I want to head to Sapporo, try the beer museum(yes, really) and see if I can find fun times in Odori park.  After that, Hakodate, where I’ll spend two days and two nights to try and see as much as I can before I head back on the 19th.  The total trip will be from the 15th to the 19th.  Looking forward to it.  This Wednesday is when I plan to make my hotel reservations.
September 12, 2017
My father’s words resonate with me today.  Somedays, you eat the bear.  Somedays, the bear eats you.  I am so tired and so exhausted.  I get overheated every time I got into the school now and I’m struggling to keep myself going. I tried a few different approaches to class today and it wasn’t a great fit.  Didn’t help that today was Tuesday, so it was my most difficult time during the week.  Evening classes were fine, but since the Eiken is right around the bend, we had to do some not terribly interesting Eiken style listening exercises for most of my classes.  I threw in what I could to make the class interesting and stand out, but the Eiken stuff took up a good 2/3 of class time and I had to plan them with little warning, so I had to make a lot of copies on top of my regular work load.  I am grateful that I have the foresight to prep for what’s coming.  I was a day and a class ahead of schedule and with all the extra stuff I’m only just now back to my regular timing…it’s been difficult, to say the least.  My late night class cancelled, giving me a much needed reprieve, but I do miss teaching that class.  The guy who joins us is really cool and dedicated to learning, so, as I’ve said before, it reminds me of my glory days in China.  Hehe, bet there’s a sentence no one thought they’d hear from me.  For all that I complain about my time in China, I loved my students.  They were beyond dedicated and awesome.
September 13, 2017

Today was better, but first I have to share an experience I had.  I didn’t sleep well last night, so, as is becoming my custom, I got a nap before work.  And then…I woke up…but I was on a train heading out of a Miyazaki style city that was just beautiful…and on the train, I was swaddled in my blankets and went to sleep again.  I was dreaming of dreaming of being in a better place.  It’s…crazy.  I booked my hotels for Hokkaido today, so once I get my Shinkansen tickets taken care of, it’s all great. I’m just tired most days, regardless, but I did get medicine for how I’ve been feeling and Wednesdays are usually fine, with great students and classes, showcasing that no matter if you feel bad one day, it’ll all pass.  I spent extra time today helping some students after class and that’s a new feeling. Pretty nostalgic, actually. Nothing much else to say.  I love Gwent, but I am getting tired of it.  I am going to cut back my playtime, probably, due to just pure boredom of facing the same old stuff day in and day out. Also, I have to give up one of my holiday days to even out the switchover we’re going to have where I have to start working Saturdays.  That’s going to blow…but it’s whatever, I guess.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Bonus Update: Zao Onsen

Sorry for the delay with this extra update from my last vacation. I was and have been sick. But hey, better late than never, eh?

My trip up to the hot spring resort town, Zao Onsen was a harrowing odyssey and a really exhausting's been stressful, but I do have some cool pictures from the trip, you go.
I took a sky car up to a larger part of Zao, so I got to see the world grow smaller as I went.

Big old cable tower

I went to that onsen later...not sure if worth it

At the top of the sky car trip, we had a few monuments which were pretty cool

Marshy lands mean lots of bugs, so...bleh...

Can you see the mist rolling in?

Silent hill has taught me, stay the hell out of the fog!

Lots to see, lots to do, but not for me, I am tired

Cool old water wheel

The Onsen Shrine.  Good lord, the stairs nearly broke me.

Finally, the shrine.  Couldn't take my camera into the actual Onsen, so this is the best you get.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September: September 1 - September 5, 2017

September, 2017
September 1, 2017
Well, start of a new month.  My stomach has settled, but I have a cough now, so I’m back to taking medicine again.  Joy.  Friday is easy for me, which was good because this week was rough.  It’s been blessedly getting cooler, so it’s easier for me to stomach and I feel better for the cool air.  September is a month where I need to get things done.  Sadly, I’ll have to put pen pal stuff on hold for a bit.  I have to make reservations for my October trip and I will be switching my schedule with another teacher, so they work Monday and I work Saturday.  This is going too be annoying because my schedule so far is easy-hard-easy-hard-easy.  Now, it will switch to hard-easy-hard-easy-hard.  Sigh.  And, since my handwriting in notepads and where there is little space, is garbage, but hey I can still read it, I volunteered to compile the notes they’ll need for class in a word processor document.  Because I’m just that kind of guy.  Lots to do
I feel like I’m making at least a few informal friends.  This is the second time the Yakiniku man has given me a gift for being a loyal customer.  Some strange, but good, banana cream bread treats for dessert after my yakiniku meal.  Good times.  Gwent is fun again, but I do need a bit of a hiatus as I’ve binged hard.  Hoping for pizza tomorrow along with some good times riding my bike.  I will take it easy this weekend…I hope.  And also…the Tsukimi burger…please oh please…more to come soon.
September 2, 2017
Sigh…I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so I woke up tired and slept in a bit.  Stopped to get my bike a tune up on the way to the awesome pizzeria, but today I had curry, naan, and masala instead of pizza and it was damned good.  Truly an amazing place.  I was a bit sad because I couldn’t get a Tsukimi burger.  They’re either not ready yet or not being offered at the current Mcdonalds and yes, you do get them at Mcdonalds’.  Anyway, that aside, I bought more soda and bloody collapsed again.  My week and sleep cycle have been erratic at best, so…I just had to lie down and rest.  I did get my writing in today, but…I dunno, I feel like my previous lifestyle in the states was more conducive to actually getting writing done.  Working right away and having time after to write made me more motivated, but now I’m only really motivated on the weekend and I need to push myself because it’s so easy to just quit.  It really is.  I like my story and I want it to be finished.  Still so many chapters to go, but I like it so…yeah.  I suppose that it doesn’t matter the amount of time I get in as long as the work itself gets done. I want to shoot for two hours on my writing days on Saturday or Sunday, but…not always easy with so many distractions around me.
Tomorrow, I’m hoping to buy some more games and maybe order a book online.  I want to try the Vampire Hunter D novel series, so…we’ll see how it goes.  I’ve heard mixed things about the one I want to start on, but it’s got Lovecraft in it, so it seems like as good a place as any for me to jump on.  Other than that, I’m just trying to relax.  Still, dealing with my cough, but I’m getting better, I think.  Hard to tell.
September 3 – September 4, 2017
Not much to say about Sunday, really.  I got food, then stayed in.  Played Overwatch with friends, which was nice, need to do that more.  I also bought the DLC for Nioh and ordered some cool new stuff, like a book and game for my home.  Looking forward to it.  I have to say, I think I might have hit culture fatigue for a bit, because on Sunday, I felt very listless, tired, and just…what’s the point?  Which isn’t me, since just casually researching Hokkaido tonight has got me excited that I live in one of the coolest countries ever at present.
Anyway, Monday.  I didn’t get much sleep so…that was a thing.  I also still feel sick, with my raspy cough being a major deterrent to me getting sleep.  I bought a bit of medicine today, but I think I need more.  Classes were okay, as per standard on Monday.  I am having a minor problem trying to adapt the difficult test questions for the upcoming Eiken for use in class.  I think progress is being made, but I get looks like, “The hell did you say,” even when I explain these ideas in the simplest terms.  We’ll see how it goes, as I have more of this to do.  Tuesday is going to be rough, but I so far had a good day.  Nothing much to report other than I am doing my research for the upcoming Hokkaido trip and my tentative plan is a 4-5 day trip starting at Sendai Port and ending in Hakodate, where I will get a Shinkansen home.  I’m looking forward to it as I’ve found some cool spots to visit.  Really excited, so long as I can get my reservations in order in a timely manner.
September 5, 2017

Sigh…I’m on the verge of losing my voice.  This seems to happen A LOT when I am teaching.  I survive by chugging medicine like water and so, I have.  It’s been rough.  The coughing isn’t so bad, but it is still an issue.  I sound like a frog.  Today was rough for a number of different reasons and while I am cracking down on discipline, I AM going to have to get mean soon because some people are not taking the hint.  It’s frustrating.  I’m also in the midst of Eiken prep work for the students and while they understand enough English for small talk, connecting certain dots are a bit harder for them. My workload has lightened a bit thanks to me using topics from a book recommended by my boss.  It makes the planning easier, but I have been super busy so far.  Hoping to get reservations for Hokkaido underway tomorrow.  And the cherry is my AC is leaking again.  Oh joy.  I don’t want this to become another China blog where I just complain all the time about how terrible I feel health wise and the struggles I’m going through because I love this town a lot.  It’s getting cooler, to life is easier in that area, but…still…I just want to feel healthy, happy at my job, and happy when I’m at home all at once.  Is that so much to ask?  Perhaps it is.  Life isn’t very accommodating most of the time.  Well…such is life.