Thursday, July 6, 2017

July: June 29 - July 6, 2017

June 29 - June 30, 2017
Not much to report.  I didn’t get much sleep because I got on the Gwent bandwagon again.  It’s a fantastic card game, but I got bored of it after 48 hours, so I uninstalled it the following day.  I still like the game, but it needs to be re-balanced otherwise it’s just not going to hold my interest for more than a few days in bursts.
Today was a bit hectic, as I used one of my planning periods for food so I could use another planning period for an impromptu lesson on culture for one of the student teachers.  Been talking about going to America a lot lately due to the upcoming trip several students have to Chicago.  Anyway, I had Yakiniku after dinner and my tongue is still amazed at how good tongue tastes.  So delicious.

Got some postcards ready to send out, but the lack of sleep has made me lazy, so I didn’t get any sent out today.  I also got a package with all my games I ordered in it, so I started up Dark Souls 3.  So fluid, beautiful, and fun.  Feels like old times.  It’s a good game.  I need to sign off early tonight, though.  I want to go to Matsushima tomorrow morning and that means I need to get up bloody early.  Later.

July, 2017
July 1, 2017
Oh god…why…well, I tried to have a little day trip today.  I went to Matsuhima, which is on the coast.  I like the ocean.  I like coastal towns.  But the heat of today has made my life a living hell.  From 9:30 to about 5.  That’s how long I was in the heat.  Ugh…I’m making a mandate now. No more long, complicated adventures like going to the ocean or Matsushima until it is bloody cooler.
What’s more disappointing is that there was stuff to see, but it didn’t tickle my fancy, really.  I saw a temple which had a more impressive approach than the temple itself, which was behind a paywall and with tons of repair being done to it.  I felt a bit sick, which someday I should go into because my stomach has been weird since arriving in Japan.  I got to see some beautiful seaside, I’ll say that.  The best time I had was on a big bridge to a quiet little island.  I’d have liked it better without the gnats though.  The nature was nice and almost made it worth it, but the two hours of trains were…less pleasant. The first train I took stopped at each stop for like 10-20 minutes for some reason…hell if I know.  The others were hard to figure out, as this was my first time using the Senseki line.  Ugh…just…so tired.  I spent a decent chunk of money on this adventure, about 60-70 bucks and now that I’m home I just want to lie down and veg.  Or probably play more Dark Souls.  No more heat.  AC.  Forever.
I forgot to mention previously as well that the school is causing me some minor issues in that we do have AC but it’s weird when we use it.  It was very hot yesterday, to the point I was getting a heat headache.  I got those today and they are super not fun.  Reminds me of the telephone company job I had where I almost died…3 times…sigh.
July 2, 2017
I’ve finally caved to the pressure of both my students and to my own general curiosity and started watching My Hero Academia.  It has a lot of charm, though I’m mostly drawn because of the battles I’ve heard about later on.  It’s a nice palette cleanser from the disappointment that was Berserk 2017, which adapted the story well in some parts, but had abysmal CGI.  Anyway, a moment in episode 4 reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to discuss.
I’m a surprisingly petty person.  Not in actions, but looking over my own feelings on things and how I sometimes think, I’m actually a bit shocked at how petty I can be over…well, small things.  That said, it also reminded me that even if I have cynical thoughts, as is pretty common in this day and age, the actions and beliefs behind it are what matter.  I may be a petty person, but I won’t act like it.  I have many adages I’ve adapted over the years, but one holds true throughout the better part of my life.  The world is a terrible place.  So, however you can, make it better.  If you don’t, no one will.  So, petty or not, I’ll keep acting the way I feel good people should.  I’m not going to cause harm to those I dislike and I won’t be harmed by their words or actions.  I will rise above.
Anyway, yeah, My Hero Academia is pretty good, check it out.  I’ll do a bit of writing today, but I got Dark Souls 3 in the mail and hooooo boy is that addictive.  I will be doing a good chunk of that for the rest of the day.
I kind of lied, actually. Didn’t JUST play Dark Souls.  This just in, I updated my Linkedin for the first time in a while and kinda sorta added my new job onto my resume.  It’s a bit slapdash at present, but it’s a start and I can polish it if I need to apply for a new job.  Which I hope I don’t, because hot damn I like this town.  I’ll love it in winter, but with the crummy heat, love has been degraded to like, hehe.
July 3, 2017
This, I think, is the last Eiken prep week.  So, hopefully I can get a bit more time on Mondays for prep, because I was stretched for time on what is supposed to be my easy day.  I had journals, eiken classes, ice cream for good students, and less planning time due to constraints.  I’m a bit frustrated by it, but it’s almost over.  I do still have to teach Saturdays for the next month, but it’s whatever.
I’m not getting a lot of sleep, honestly.  I’m getting more than stateside, however it’s a bit frustrating that I just want to collapse when I wake up.  The fact that I CAN sleep a bit late due to this job is nice, as it means it’s easier for me to recover during these situations, but in terms of health, I’m more worried about something kind of gross.  Let’s just say that my stomach has been unhappy with some of my meal choices and while it’s not been violently bad, it does lead to some bathroom issues that have been constants.  It’s confusing, honestly.  May talk with my family who have medical backgrounds about it. Not too much else to say.  More later.
July 4, 2017
Ugh…hate Tuesdays.  I did at least get to try some of my conflict dealing strategies as suggested by some of the other teachers.  The quiet down and just staring at the student so they know they’ve done bad.  I don’t like it.  But it…kinda worked?  Not for long though.  Anyway, I struggled for a number of reasons.  Sometimes the classes were sleepy, sometimes they were loud, but most of them were too hot…heat is a problem.  Also, I was behind in scheduling due to my having to do so much on Monday, so I basically planned a day and a half, did regular cleaning, and still got in my hand writing practice.  I would say I’m amazing, but I feel like I could fall flat on my face at any moment.  Looking forward to some rest.  Wednesday will be hard, but once it’s over, the most difficult parts of the week are over.  Also, need to go grocery shopping tomorrow, so…that’ll be…fun?  Is fun the right…no…no, I don’t think it is. Still, if I can find some ground beef, this weekend, I make tacos.
I’m a bit sad to miss the festivities in the US.  Don’t have much pride in the country anymore, but I do have pride in my friends and family and an excuse to be with them is something I can get behind.  Know that I envy you.  Also know that cards have been sent in the mail with a surprise in them for three lucky recipients.  Enjoy.
July 5, 2017
Not much to say about today.  I got groceries and even bought some ground meat and cheese to try and make tacos this weekend.  The Eiken classes coupled with the start of a new month, which means I need to cooperate with the other teachers for planning, has got me seriously exhausted and stressed.  An ordered mind hates it when uncertainty is thrown into the mix, after all.  Anyway, my classes were fine.  I have some smart kids and even if they struggle at times, if they try, it’s all worthwhile.
I probably earned the ire of someone today.  I might be off base, being, you know, a petty person and all, but I feel like I may have stepped on toes accidentally. I’m not going to worry about it.  I apologized and life goes on.  If someone else wants to be petty, it’s their issue, not mine.  I will not hold grudges, no matter how petty I can be.  I am saying I am petty a lot, aren’t I?  Petty.  Petty.  Petty petty petty.  Petty petty.  Okay, I’m done.  I’m probably better than I give myself credit, but I’d rather undersell than oversell.
July 6, 2017
Stressful day.  Apart from just the workload I’ve mentioned previously and planning for my teaching on Saturday, I had a new student added to my class when we were doing a semi-difficult topic for the adults and they weren’t quite ready for it.  They’ll try again and I’ll prepare an easier topic for them, but I’d had this topic ready for about a week, so changing it at the last minute would be…difficult.  So, I didn’t.  Anyway, we’ll see how it goes further down the line.
Tired.  Going to the bank tomorrow, but tired.  Gwent bandwagon again, but like Hearthstone I think I need to realize that no matter how much you like the game…it’s best to not play it.  It’s too easy to lose time in.  Dark Souls or Nioh or even Dragon Quest have some very pre-determined stopping points and that makes it easier to pace yourself.  Gwent’s “one more game,” mentality means you can easily lose sleep by just throwing yourself into game after game after game.  As I say this, I’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled it a bunch…so…hopefully this time it sticks?  I dunno.

1 comment:

  1. What do the Japanese do when it is hot and they are tired? Is there a traditional Japanese remedy for stomach troubles? Just wondering ... You know, when in Rome ... Recommend stay in Japan ... U.S. moral compass has busted and sunk to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
