Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bonus Update: The Great Matsushima Journey

About 2 weeks ago, I went on a journey to the Matsushima coastline because I'd heard it was a beautiful place with lots to see.  The heat nearly did me in, but I did get some good photos, so...take a look if you're interested.

This is the approach to one of the big Matsushima temples.  Ironically, more zen and impressive than the temple itself.

If you can see the fences, the monuments and many parts of the temple were being renovated, so I couldn't get close.

Many impressive monuments

While I may hate the heat, I do like nature.

This is the temple.  Pretty enough inside, but a bit of a let down.

There was also a museum near the temple, so I snapped a few pictures while I was there.

Bridges always have a special place in my heart, but those aren't decorative slats.  Those are literal holes...ehhhhh a bit dangerous?

Small coastal temple, in memory of the tsunami

Despite the heat, the coastline here was beautiful.

Looks pretty big huh?  What?  No?!

How about now?  I walked this bridge to get to a nature spot.

This bridge almost made the trip worth it.

The bay and its many small islands truly are beautiful.

So, there were a few small temples on the island the bridge let to, but it was mostly nature and I took advantage to take photos.  It was very buggy though, so I didn't linger too long.

My last sight before leaving was this open field with a place to rest and lots of tables and tributes from classes previous and visitors of yester year.

Tributes.  That's some impressive origami.

Even basic ads can have cool art and animation, so I took a photo on my way out.  I was wiped by the end of this trip.  No more traveling in summer.


  1. Looks like the trip was well worth the heat! Good on ya' ! :-)

  2. Awesome sites. Hope you take more adventurous trips to show us.
