July 7, 2017
Ugh…god, so tired. I went to the bank this morning and was able
to operate the ATM without any help, so that felt good, but I feel like I’m
lacking in sleep. I managed to get
through my classes today, but it was harder than I thought. Which is weird, since Friday is supposed to
be my other easy day. I think it’s
because of the prep work for the Chicago classes, which I also made homework
sheets for. I’m teaching some kids
language for a brief homestay in the US, so…that’s tomorrow. On Saturday. Ugh.
Anyway, after that, I plan to get a bath and before that I plan to make
tacos. Let’s hope the best laid plans
don’t screw up. Anyway, till later
everyone. If I don’t upload the Matsushima
pictures this weekend, it’ll be next weekend.
I just want to add that
there was an earthquake during Yakiniku time last night. Lasted for like 30 seconds, was a bit weird,
then done. That’s how most earthquakes are.
I was a bit shocked at first, but on reflection, it really wasn’t a big
deal. Low magnitude, so no one was
really bothered.
July 8, 2017
Well, putting writing on
hold for today. We’ll see about
tomorrow. Anyway, I talked with my
family after sleeping in, that was a mistake, but they took it all in good
stride. I did some gaming and then I
went to teach my class on home stay in the US.
A bit stressful. The heat was
hard to deal with and while the students got it and we were able to do some
good practice, it felt off…you know, being as I had already finished my work
After that, I went to the
bathhouse. Weirdly It was really crowded
around 5. Much more so than I thought it
would be. I still got some good zen time
in, but I dunno…I tend to prefer being alone for these situations, but
whatever. I got some good food
afterwards and then headed home. The
heat today was real though, so I was sweating by the time I got home.
I also should mention I
made tacos for lunch. Worked
SURPRISINGLY well. I had a taco kit from
the Yamaya and with the squash, cheese, and beef I used, it was…quite good,
actually. May do that
again…hmmmm…anyway, that was a big high point and I have tacos for two more
I feel like I need to
take a moment and talk Dark Souls, especially given how much grief Bloodborne
gave me. I like it because it tends to
be a bit slower, more methodical, and less twitchy. However, today I got really frustrated with a
few moments. I beat the game, but I
still have a bit of DLC to go through.
Now, I want to bring this up just for a bit of game analytics. Now, I fought the end boss, who was a great
throwback to bosses previous, using moves from my own characters and the
original lord of flames. I also fought a
DLC boss who I was super frustrated by because of some BS tactics. Finally, I fought a secret boss who may have
been the best boss I’ve played in…maybe any game. Now, they all have something in common. They’re all multi battle bosses, where you
beat them once, then you fight another form.
Number 1 and 3 do this well, but number 2, GOOD GOD…I mean, the first
form’s okay, a bit of ice, a bit of invisible backstabbing BS, but then their
second form is coupled with room filling blasts of damage and they gain a buddy
for two on one. Then there is a THIRD
form. Sigh…by the end, I was exhausted. Now, the secret boss has two forms as well,
but it was much more fair. All the
attacks were predictable and while he was fast, strong, and durable, I was able
to win in the end. Took me a good 20
tries, but I enjoyed every try and wasn’t cursing at the game for being BS. This is what I want more of in games,
honestly. I want a battle that is fair
and where you can learn to fight back without feeling like you’re being cheap
shotted. It’s a shame there won’t be any
more Dark Souls for a while, but…at least they stuck the Nameless King and his
storm drake steed in the last one. I
toppled them. I am the dragon king now.
July 9, 2017
Finally finished Dark
Souls 3 and I’m glad it’s over. I’ll
enjoy it more in subsequent playthroughs, but for now, it’s just been a bit
frustrating, especially the last area with a BS mega dragon boss, nothing like
the fair and fun Nameless King. Anyway,
I finally beat the game when I was talking with a friend of mine on the
phone. I had to stay calm for her sake,
so it actually helped me focus a bit.
Writing is suffering a
bit. I did manage to get in about 3 pages,
maybe 4, but it’s not like my usual output.
The stress of my six day work week combined with less time to write on
Saturday, which is my usual day, and finally the Dark Souls equation, which
exhausted me mentally and physically, I just didn’t have much in me. Hoping it will be easier to do some writing
next week. We’ll see. As long as I get more sleep, it ought to be
fine. Anyway, I need to get some
tacos. I am hungry.
July 10, 2017
Ugh…the heat of the day
continues to exhaust me to the point I wonder how I’ll go on. If it’s this bad in Natori, imagine what it
must be stateside. Also, my efforts to
get medicine sent to Natori have fallen through, so far. That leaves me with three options, unless the
bank can get it’s shit together and just pay the damn company I’m trying to
use, as my credit card has been declined twice and I KNOW there’s money in my
account. Option 1, I run out of medicine
and don’t take more until I get sick. At
least I know where the eye clinic is.
That means, twice a year, I’d have to deal with red eye and go to the
eye clinic to get myself treated. Not
fun. Option 2, I go to the clinic every
two weeks or maybe every month to get more eye medicine from them, since I’m
only given basically a 12 day supply.
Again, not fun and tedious.
Option 3, I get my family to send me the medicine. Possible, but a lot of red tape. I’d need them to buy the medicine, which
could be annoying without a prescription, and then I’d need a Yakkan Shoumei
form from the Japanese government to have it released from customs. All of these sound like super not fun. Ugh…having eye disease sucks.
July 11, 2017
Today was not great. A combination of pain in my thumb from
unknown swelling, I think I burned it or have somehow actually overused it,
being told I’ve got…well, they don’t want to say an evaluation, but that’s what
it feels like coming up, and that it was Tuesday just…made my life
unpleasant. The evaluation will probably
be fine, it’s Thursday. I’m not great,
but I’m not terrible and this will likely just be things I should try to work
on, which I will because I want to do better.
Anyway, Tuesday is, as I have said, my least favorite day. It’s a combination of stress for it being the
middle of the week and the fact that I get students with either way too much
energy, so they can feel overpowering, or with so little I feel like I’m
dragging them along, which makes it hard.
I’ve learned a few lessons, of course, but still, it takes…effort to get
through. Couple that with the heat and I
just did not have a good time. So very
July 12, 2017
God…so tired. Today’s classes were fine. Wednesday, despite being a very exhausting
day, is one of the good ones. It really
does show how different things can go depending on student attitudes and the
like. Anyway, classes were fine, but I
did mess up and forgot to give one of my classes ice cream as a treat. While my colleagues insist it’s not a big
deal, I feel bad because…these students worked hard and deserved a treat. I should note, it’s not a big deal because I
can do it later, but still…still…
I also cleaned my house
today. Another reason I’m tired. Also frustrating is that after I cleaned my
house and went to work, bugs started appearing. Four so far, but I doubt there will be
more. They seem to be drawn by the heat,
but when the AC turns on, there is nothing for them. I hate summer here. I like summer festivals, but I hate the heat
and the humidity.
I’m also tired because
I’m pushing myself to play a game called Hollow Knight. It’s a beautiful game, but I’d rather be
playing Dragon Quest Builders. I put it
down once already for Dark Souls, so I just want to finish it. It’s a beautiful Metroid-vania, however it
does focus on, and this ties back to what I said before…bugs. Yes, anthropomorphized bugs. After crawling through a webbed up hell hole,
I’m kinda ready for it to be over. The game has a mix of charming character
design and Cronenburgian body horror which I suppose gels with the bugs idea,
but still…*shiver*. While it is a good game and does have its charms, I want to
go to something more comfort foody, which is what DQ is for me. It’s the music, aesthetic, and simple, but
satisfying gameplay. It gets me every
Looks like my medicine is
going to have to come from my family.
We’re working on getting it here now, but it’s a slow grind. Also, I just feel so much fatigue
lately. It’s a mix of school work and
the extra classes and stress. I have a
kind of evaluation meeting tomorrow. No
matter what happens, I’ll be fine. I’ll
try to improve based on suggestions and if worse comes to worse, I have finally
made enough money that I’ve broken even.
If I get fired, I can go back to the states having lost nothing, at
least in terms of money. That said,
again, I don’t want to be fired or quit.
I like this town, even in summer.
And I like being able to save like 1000 dollars a month. So…I hope it all turns out okay.
Should add, I popped what
I think was a pus bubble in my thumb, part of the swelling. It looks better and
feels better so far, but it’s still a bit swollen, so I need more time.
I think I hear you saying you've got two cool things, two not so cool things, and one minor inconvenience? On balance working doing what you are excellent at in Japan is a big plus. Seems like you love gaming! The heat is summer. Also very hot here in NC. Work evaluation is a thing but let me know. Eye medicine seems handled? Add it up and you're ahead in the game of life? Sending much love your way.