July 27, 2017
Gonna throw this out
there. I get antsy when I have stuff to
do, but can’t because of reasons. This
is one reason I get OCD and replace rubber bands or clean coffee and tea mugs
at work. Today, we had a class cancelled
and while I still had stuff to do, planning the Saturday class with my partner,
I felt…out of it. It’s probably a good
sign, honestly. Because, as a teacher,
if you ever hope your students don’t show up just so you can get a few minutes
off, you’ve kinda missed the point.
Yeah, some are troublemakers and that can grind on you, but for a whole
class to be cancelled…yeah, you should not want that. This was an adult class, so it was
understandable. People have lives and
sometimes, you put English on the back burner.
I get that. Anyway, today was
fine. I tried to make an English style
board game and use some of our toy animals as figurines. It COULD work…but I definitely need to tweak
it. Still in alpha.
Also, just going to say
this up front, I love all my family and friends in America, but given the way
the country has been going…can I just not come back? Can I just stay in Japan like…forever? Because I really like it here, warts and
all. Also, to my boss if you’re reading
this…I appreciate everything this school has done. I meant it when I said this is one of the
most stressful jobs ever, but it’s still manageable because I get the support
that I need.
Another late night for
me, just because I HAD to listen to the Unexpectables. 2am now.
Going to bed.
July 28, 2017
Another week, another
late night of updates. Today was fine,
though one class gave me trouble, mostly due to a student misbehaving. I’ve found my angry voice and can put my foot
down effectively, now. Got to say, it
feels weird how a few of my adult classes just have people being gone, though
it is summer, so…makes sense, I guess. I
spent a lot of that time talking small talk, both topic wise and how to do it
with my charges. Anyway, the classes
were fine, but the stress of the Chicago Saturday classes are weighing on
me. Tomorrow is the last one. I still need to gather some logistical
information if I want to make a trip to Hokkaido, but I may put that off, since
it’s short notice and may be very expensive.
Also, my internet company has, for the third time, said there’s an issue
with my bank or some other such nonsense.
Gonna have to get that sorted out.
Yakiniku makes it worthwhile, but I am so tired from today. And will be tomorrow. It’s been at least a month since I talked
with my buddies on Overwatch. Need to
get back to that. Ugh…tired…sleeping
July 29, 2017
Well, I had to walk to
the last Saturday class today. In the
rain. And then do grocery shopping. In the rain.
And walk home carrying everything on my back instead of on my bike. In the rain.
I was waterlogged and sweaty. The
umbrella I had was fine, but so tired. I
completed the class and godspeed to the students heading for Chicago. But lord was I and am I tired. I basically took the rest of the night to
play Gwent and Dragon Quest and while I had fun, I still have trouble sleeping,
even when super mega tired.
July 30, 2017
Not even bothering to go
out today. I don’t get to talk to my
friends on Overwatch or stateside, but since I’m resting, it’s probably for the
best. My writing has slowed down, but
after editing, I should be finished the latest chapter, which is nice. Got someone coming on Tuesday to help me with
a leak in my A/C and I have my vacation in a week and a half. For now, I just want to rest and recuperate. Gonna get some ramen later in the week, but
not now. Today, I’m just staying in bed
and vegging with some good games, youtube, and movies. Riveting, isn’t it? I should be going out and exploring Japan,
right? Well, it’s been a month of six
days a week, so…yeah, no. Anyway, hoping
I can get back to a proper sleep cycle this week.
July 31, 2017
Fatigue has hit me
hard. Trying to get through even the
easy day was a struggle. Still, if I get more sleep, I ought to be okay. Anyway, I was planning my trip to Hokkaido.
Not sure if I’ll go during this holiday. I might delay until October, when I
have more time. It’s just the short
notice and the trip right after my month of six day work weeks…it’s kinda
getting to me. Anyway, I can take the
Shinkansen and explore Hakodate, I can take the ferry and explore Tomakomai, or
I can do one, then the other, though with the logistics involved with
that…maybe not. If I do go to Hokkaido,
I’d probably book the ferry there and back and just take the Shinkansen to Osaka
another time. It’s all conjecture right
now, though. Still thinking.
August, 2017
August 1, 2017
So, the start of this day
was a bit exhausting, as I woke up early, unnecessarily, for a repair man who
came to look at leaks I’d been having.
Nice fellow. Very polite and used
enough English terms with his Japanese that I got the gist of what was being said
and done. There was apparently some trash-like substances in my A/C pipes and
that was causing the leaks. Said it
might leak for another 2-3 days, but after that, should be fine. He also looked at my washer and replaced some
dirty parts. I always have to respect
those who know their craft like that.
Fingers crossed everything is okay now.
August 2, 2017
Well…kinda made the
decision to put off the Hokkaido trip.
First, getting reservations on the ferry or shinkansen is a pain. Second, I needed more planning time. Third, I want to do some stuff here in
Sendai. Finally, after my teaching month
and this weekend, where I will be out and about two days in a row…I also just want
a few days to rest. Anyway, I might go
to Mount Zao, if I can work out the transportation logistics. We’ll see.
I haven’t spoken much
about classes because…well…it’s kinda samey.
Tuesday is still the hard day, but I’ve had good and bad classes
throughout the week. Ups and downs. Some are really rewarding and I love encouraging
the students, others I get mocked rightly and though annoying, I could care
less. This is my job, after all. The biggest cause for concern from my camp is
that after the Chicago trip I was training the students for, one of my big
bosses will come for a visit. And I will
have a meeting with them. Sigh. Anxiety kicks my butt here. It’s probably going to be fine, because I do
hard work and I’m trying hard. They say
they’ve never had to fire a teacher for bad performance, just for being bad
people, so…well, my staff seems to like me, they’re supportive, and they say
I’m doing well, so…anyway, I’ll be glad when that’s over, but it is a cause for
stress. Not going to worry too much on
it. I just want to get through the week
because this weekend, we gots plans.
The week seems like it's brought you opportunities to deepen as an Ex-Pat. Keep up the good work. Japan seems to suit you. Would it be possible to make a trip to Mount Yōtei on Hokkaido when I visit next year? All The Best, Mon Ami! :-) <3