Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 24- August 31, 2017

August 24, 2017
God almighty…I feel like I’ve been hit by a dump truck.  The classes were…okay…fine, sure.  But the heat and humidity are giving me constant migraines, I am suffering from a ton of stomach pains and last night, I got like…4 hours of sleep in between the migraines and the stomach pains.  I had to be up early for the air conditioner repair guy, who was so nice and charming, and then I just bloody collapsed…after doing some editing because somehow I managed it.  Ugh.  This job is still easier than the AT&T job if for no other reason than I have water and bathrooms at the ready…oh, and my students are great.  That too.  I guess.  Just…wow…I feel like…death.  I did get some work done with laminating some new flash cards, so hopefully that helps a few people out.  I’ll look for some new card holders for the school on Saturday, since I need to get a few minor office supplies for my own home.  Good god, so tired…need to go to the bank tomorrow morning for spending money.  So tired.  So very tired…
August 25, 2017
Rage is one of the few emotions I could feel between the heat headaches and the stomach pains.  Not at my students, either.  They were great.  But…sigh.  I just want to help others.  I’ve had so much shit happen to me in my life and been shat on by fortune enough that I don’t want that for other people and yet…sigh.  Whatever.  This ain’t the time or the place.  I’ve felt like I was hit by a train all day, with my stomach doing cartwheels, my head throbbing, and my body just cheering me “Fall, fall, fall!” I did not fall…who would take my place if I did? I was honor bound to not, so I didn’t.  Still…a test of patience and fortitude today.  Yakiniku was good, at least.  Good god, the food there is so good…how will I live without it if I have to leave?
August 26, 2017
Last night was…problematic.  Low amount of sleep, high amount of time in the bathroom.  Thankfully, after some time, a hot bath, and medicine, I think my dysentery, which I feel sure it was, is waning.  We’ll have to see.  I used my Japanese to buy medicine and shopped for a few supplies to help order my home and work space.  Anyway, I also wanted to head out to that temple I like through the rice fields, but the heat just beat me to a pulp…so bad with the sun out, so I turned back before I got there and headed for the baths.  I was so tired I didn’t stay in for too long and when I headed home, even my NEW shirt was sweaty.  I cannot wait for winter. Probably going to put off writing till Sunday so I can get some proper damn sleep, but either way, at least this weekend seems good.  I also talked with my family and posted up my bonus photos, so have a look at those, it’s the last post.
August 27 – August 28, 2017
Sigh.  I spent a lot of time just resting on Sunday and I still felt dead tired on Monday.  Thankfully, after doing some paperwork organizing, my desk looks better AND I found receipts for some of my furniture, like my TV, so if my contract isn’t renewed, I can get a bit of money.  They said they’d pay for a portion of stuff I leave, if I have a receipt. Because of my stomach and some personal matters, I was a bit somber and tired all day Sunday.  Right now, I feel like I’m waiting on Gwent’s next patch to hit so I can fill the void with pointless card games.
Monday was Monday.  Early classes were fine, late classes were fine, but it was a bit somber as one of the students had to leave because of scheduling and they spent time with their mates after my class with photos for the memories.  It…really took me back to my college days.  I never had that many people I could count on and I feel that’s something I always missed out on.  A feeling of…community, I guess?  Also remembering Within the Wires(Such a good podcast) got me a bit somber too.  Sigh…this is gonna be a rough week, I think.
Stomach seems to be settling a bit.  I still get the urge to hit the toilet more than I feel I should, but it is improving.  The medicine seems to be helping.  I feel like I’ve hit a point where all I want to do is sleep and veg…even more than gaming, really.  It’s…weird.  This feeling is wonderful when you wake up in the morning or take a short nap before work and can just cocoon in your blankets and get a nice, warm, safe feeling, but…I dunno, man.  Maybe having the ability to get sleep isn’t natural for me.  I’m so used to being tired and stressed it carries over to when I’m not tired and stressed.  Well, whatever. Life goes on.
August 29-August 30, 2017
Sigh.  Stressful, but not too bad.  I got to talk with a friend of mine in the US, but we’re both pretty stretched thin.  Good news is that my sickness seems to be waning.  I am also managing my classes well and though I still speak more Japanese than I am content with, the students learn and get the point across, so…works well.  Anyway, I don’t have too much to report.  I’m tired, but I’m always tired.
The new Gwent patch hit, though, so I have plenty of fun things to do.  Looking forward to playing around with it and experimenting. I may be in need of some self reflection, however.  I’m currently living, yes, and enjoying life, but it’s a state of perpetual now.  Others are pushing me to think about five or even ten years down the road and while I do plan ahead as part of my regular life…that’s a bit much, considering the ephemeral nature of the current state of affairs.  So, not worrying about it for now.  Playing cards instead.
August 31, 2017
Not much to say about class today.  Got a chance to talk about the hurricane in Texas and hopefully get people thinking.  Working on just…hanging on, for various reasons.  Stomach is better, but really, I’m just tired and prone to headaches.
Good news and bad news.  Good news is there is a new Ys game which I am psyched to buy…it’ll probably be another shipment I get from America, along with a few new books.  I’m gonna try and get into the Vampire Hunter D novels, since I LOVED the graphic novel additions which…sadly, are not going to be continuing.  The bad news is the nostalgia and listless feeling I’ve had for a bit. I remember the days of my youth…they were NOT good.  Not at all. However, I survived through the golden age of RPGs and by having Toonami and anime when it was new and fresh to the American audience.  I want that back, but even being here in Japan, it’s…not the same.  I still love this country and love living here, but I feel…I dunno, like something is missing.  Sigh…and the few people I would talk to about this are more interested in trying to make me do something rather than…just understanding the feeling I’m going through.  Yes, I want love but more than that, I want that spark…I’ve recaptured it at different times in my life, like when I got to see Flight of Dragons or the Last Unicorn again.  Memories…but…I don’t know what to do about that here.  I could always replay Odin Sphere, which is…just so good…anyway, I’m never sure where to go or what to do about the future. I am good at living.  I am not so sure if thriving or whatever you want to call it is in the cards.  Whatever happens, though.  I endure.
Hang, Mr. Vimes. Need to re-read Making Money, actually. That takes me back.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Bonus update: Sendai Aquarium

So, I went to the Sendai Aquarium on one of my days of vacation and while the trip itself was...kinda lacking.  The place was beautiful, but the trip itself was gloomy with the rain, hot, exhausting, and very crowded.  Anyway, complaining aside, photo time.
Lots of beauty in the aquarium

The open tank was beautiful with some huge schools of fish

The tanks and environs were interesting

Welcome to the kelp forest, land of mystery

Some fish are just WTF?!

Wanted more English for the actual fishing exhibits. The English we did have was pretty poor

More beaches and stuffs from the dunes

You can get up close to the dunes in this exhibit

Also they have marshes

And rivers

Penguins! More later.

Some things here are really beautiful


Hello, sea dragon, what are you doing here

The dolphins here were pretty weird

Some fish here were just weird...and also nightmare fuel



Love me some jellyfish. Just wish they were bigger

Lots more penguins!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August: August 17 - August 23, 2017

August 17, 2017
Tired, but rewarding.  My bosses are great people, so seeing them in person is much less intimidating than on the phone or through email.  Today, I did okay.  Some struggles, but getting back into the teaching grove after my absence.  I also had my adult class cancel on me, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I took an extra class to help out the other teachers.  It’s not a problem and getting brownie points is always nice.  One of my students also gave me some candy as a gift since she got back from Chicago. It was really nice. All in all, this was a pretty great day for me.  Not perfect, but what ever is?  I’m finishing up listening to the Unexpectables, which has been a joy, as always.
August 18, 2017
Uggghhhhhh…So, one of our teachers is sick, so I’m kinda working Saturday.  Sigh.  It’s not THAT big a deal, however it’s always frustrating when plans change.  I wanted to go to a bath house and talk to my family, however now…no time.  Anyway, I’m getting brownie points, but the extra stress is hardly worth it.  Tired and have to wake up early…or not early, but go into work before 9:45.  Life goes on.  Trying to cope.  Going to bed.
August 19, 2017
God…today just kicked my ass.  The classes were fine, I guess, considering I had no input or history with the students and was basing my lessons on a vastly different set of notes and teaching style, but the humidity, the length of time, and the early nature of Saturday classes made me hate life.  I felt so drained by the halfway marker.
I talked with my boss today and while there is criticism, I think it’s justified.  The pronunciation issue is that I’m using my Japanese in my daily life, so I’m becoming accustomed to the Katakana pronunciation of words when speaking with other Japanese people.  Watching out for that. And my hand writing.  Also working on that. Aside from the critiques, I felt I was judged fairly and while I have no promises of continued employment, they seem to value me and appreciate that I gave up my Saturday for the team.  It was annoying, as I said, but…you do what you gotta do.  I was glad for it to be over.  I got the magical super special pizza I’ve spoken of before and picked up more soda from the Yamaya.  I also got a care package from my family, which was much appreciated.  Now, I am tired, so resting.  Today was tough, but I made it through.
I want to add that I DID get Yakiniku last night, which was great, and the owner was a good guy and shared some of his watermelon with me.  It was an eerie parallel to how I shared some sweet melon I had with him a while back.  I doubt it was connected, but it was nice.
August 20 – August 21, 2017
Not much to report on Sunday.  I spent the day resting and playing games.  Got some writing done, but I was bloody wiped from Saturday.  I’ve almost devoured all my family’s care package and really want more…still, I have everything I need here.  Planning on making a 6 month specialty update for those who care to read it.
Monday was Monday.  It was pretty easy with a few classes being difficult due to uneven levels of the students.  Sigh.  Not looking forward to Tuesday.  The heat and humidity make life miserable here, largely because the school doesn’t have the kind of A/C I want.  Also, no one told me about a schedule shift to different classrooms, so my first evening class was a bit off kilter.  I like this town a lot, but summers and rainy seasons are hard.  I’m gonna put off grocery shopping till next week, so I got some supplies from the 7 and holdings.  Really, I’m just majorly tired.  A theme sure to be repeated this week.
August 22 – August 23, 2017
Not too much to report.  I’m still brutally tired functionally all the time, but it doesn’t interfere with my work so…it’s whatever.  The heat and the humidity are killing me and at times it feels on the level of when I was doing work on phone lines with AT&T.  I have a few things I still need to do for peace of mind.  I need to consolidate my pile of bills that I have already paid, for records, and organize them, so I need to buy some file folders.  I also need to write more letters home, but I think that will wait for a little bit until said organizing is done.  After all, I can still talk with them online, so it’s not as pressing as in the old days.
Still writing, but I feel it has slowed due to the latest pressure I’ve been under.  I write once a week, edit twice a week(unless I get overly stressed and need to rest), and review/read my older chapters once a week.  So, 4 days of writing…not too bad.  Especially when I have my main job to be focusing on.  Just want to get through the week for right now.  Will discuss more later.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  Sigh.  I promised myself I wouldn’t let this journal be a place for hatred of any kind.  Just an honest account of my life.  So, I’ll just say I’ve had a rough time of it today.  My classes were great, but life finds ways to frustrate.  Also, this may not be a place for hate, but screw Nazis.  Screw them.  I will not offer any decorum or politeness like I do with other things when it comes to white supremacists.  They are monsters and can all go to hell.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Bonus Update: Local sights

I figured since I have 3 major sets of photos, I'll break them into three different updates.  First, some local sights.  I headed down to the bank and saw a few cool spots that I wanted photos of.  So, here they are, along with my new haircut.
Said it before, but Japan is full of natural beauty integrated with regular life

A temple right next to my bank?  How could I resist?

Temple photos

Temple Photos

AH!  I'm being attacked!  Yes, this is my new haircut.  Was it worth the wait?

And me smiling with the Famikamen Rider.  Don't get used to it, I don't smile often :P

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August: August 11- August 16, 2017

August 11, 2017
Not much to say today.  I just chilled, which I really needed.  I did talk to the A/C technician, but they can’t fix it today since it’s a holiday, so they can’t get the parts.  Later.  It has to be later.  Got a small heart attack when my boss called, but it was very cordial.  I am typically anxious, but my bosses are really wonderful people and I do feel lucky to have them.  Aside from that, I did a bit of shopping, bought some soda at the Yamaya and got some fast food.  It was a nice relaxing day.
I also finished up One Shot, which is an amazingly charming game that is like Undertale light.  It’s a point and click adventure meeting a 16-bit rpg and while it seems generic at first, it really does make you care about the characters and the world and has some truly amazing 4th wall breaking moments that I loved.  It was great.  And I am slinking back to Hearthstone for the new expansion and its free missions.  Screw constructed play though.  Gwent, I can handle real people, but Hearthstone is friggin awful when it comes to playing against real people.  Anyway, tomorrow, we explore Sendai Aquarium and probably get some sweets, all you can eat.
August 12, 2017
Bleh.  I went to the Sendai Aquarium today, but it rained all day, so I was hot, sweaty, wet, and tired by the end.  The aquarium was…nice in parts?  It was too crowded.  That’s what I get for going on Saturday and during holidays, I guess.  It was suffocating at times, but at times it was also really beautiful.  I…guess I liked it, even though it cost too much to get into and it was more of a family destination, as evidenced by all the kids around.  I’d only go again with someone special, because it’s, again, not a thing for loners. I did like all the nice titles given to each section.  Like “The Sparkling Sea,” or “The mother ocean,” or “The Kelp Forest.”  Really cool stuff.
After the aquarium, I headed to Sweets Paradise, to have their all you can eat sweets buffet.  I have learned from my previous life experiences with buffets, however, and paced myself.  I tried the cakes and ice cream, but they also have noodles and other carby things like rice and salads to help cleanse the pallet. It was…again, okay.  Not great.  I went there out of nostalgia for when I went to the Osaka version when I was in Hirakata.  That was outrageous, but the company and the fact that it was new probably helped with that.  Anyway, I was also next to the Tohoku pokemon center.  It…didn’t do anything for me, as I don’t really play or care about pokemon that much now.  It’s still cool and fun, but not my bag.  I do know some people who love it though, so if anyone wants to put in gift requests, please do so, I can mail them to you.  After all that, I got home and got a shower.
I had to pay double for parking my bike because the place didn’t have anyone in when I left it and they didn’t seem to get the money I left.  Still, it’s only 100 yen.  Lesson learned, as they say.  I’m pretty tired from today, so I will probably push resuming writing onto my next day where I’m not traveling, which will be either Monday or Tuesday.  I’m still on vacation and wanting to do things my way, for now.  Also, I have tons of pictures from the Aquarium and my new haircut.  I’ll probably stagger releases of photos weekly, so people don’t get spammed with them all at once.
August 13, 2017
Today has been pretttttttttyyyyyyy bad, all things considered.  It was hot, I only had long sleeves to wear, I didn’t have any water and the loop bus I took was ridiculous.  I went to Sendai to catch a few things I missed previously, some museums mostly, but most of them were closed. History?  Closed.  Botanical gardens? Closed.  The museum of art was open and that was nice, but by the end of the day, I was just done and wanted to go home. I liked the sumi exhibits in the museum because…hey, I love sumi, but I…ugh.  The plan was to get Mexican tonight in one of the only Mexican restaurants in Sendai, but I just could not be bothered…planning to tomorrow if I can make my trip to Zao Onsen.  Ugh…a lot of the sights I saw were not worth the effort or money and a few buses were so loaded down, they apologized, then drove on without opening their doors at a few stops.  Got to see CG Sendai Castle, which was pretty cool and the art museum was nice, but I would have had a better time just…staying at home, really.  Well, I still have a few days of vacation left, so staying at home will happen sooner or later.
August 14, 2017
Shoulda stayed home.  Today was an out and out disaster. I made it to Zao Onsen, but…ugh…the journey was a nightmare.  I spent six hours in transit today, maybe more.  I left my house at 8am and got back at 8pm, so half my day was just in trains, buses, bikes, walking, or sky cars.  To top it all off, my phone’s GPS is stupid and sent me to the wrong bus company twice.  I managed to make my bus, and the ride was nice as I like watching the scenery pass, but…look, Zao is pretty.  It is. I have pictures, you’ll see them later, but NO A/C anywhere, basically.  When you have a breeze, this isn’t a problem, but when you don’t…ugh…anyway, I took a sky car and got to see the whole of the mountain.  Didn’t explore much near the top because it was marshy and there were a ton of dragon flies and other bugs.
I got very little food today…more on that later, but I had to also climb up to the onsen shrine to find my way to the open air hot spring which is so famous.  I nearly died, again.  Too much heat, too little water.  I brought a full bottle and it didn’t even last half the trip.  The hot spring is…okay, I guess.  It tingles when you get in because of the acidity, but what I noticed most was how light headed I got and how my body stank of Sulphur afterwards.  That was fun…so, I’ve been through a shower and two changes of clothes since then to try and clean up a bit.  Like I said, I barely got any food today, so I was tired, sleepy, and running on empty.  When I got back to Yamagata, where the bus was, it was an hour long wait for a train to Sendai.  So, I said, to hell with it.  I didn’t want to wait basically 3 hours to get Mexican food and just bought dinner there.  I napped on the train ride home and didn’t stop in Sendai for long, just long enough to get another train to Natori.  And it was raining as I rode my bike home.  Christ, I’m tired.  Zao is a beautiful place, but I’m not convinced by the hot springs.  I prefer my bath house more.  Also, I can make tacos here in my home so I’m less desperate for Mexican than I was 3 months ago.  I still need to try the restaurant but I have no craps to give at the moment. My phone almost died, my 3ds ran out of juice, and I was stuck lugging my heavy backpack around all day.  I just want to lie down and rest.  Next two days, I stay in Natori and get some good local food.  I am dying for ramen.
It’s summer, by the way.  No matter how much rain or what other say, it is still summer and too hot for me.  I should not travel in summer.
August 15-16, 2017
Welp, my vacation is almost over.  I go back to work tomorrow and in two days, I speak with my boss on my performance.  Trying not to stress.  My last two days off have been very restful.  I’ve gotten food that’s probably a smidge more unhealthy than I need, but that felt good, I’ll admit.  I’ve been watching up till the current point in Star Vs The Forces of Evil and playing a few games, as well as writing.  It’s been nice.
I feel it also important to finish this entry, and this set for my journals, with a message for the US.  To anyone reading, you cannot simply pretend the hatred going on in Virginia is not your problem.  The right has basically gone completely insane because they believe people will not stand.  This is to my family and friends especially.  Stand and fight back.  Against bigotry and hatred.  Do not go, “Oh, but free speech,” or any other shit like that.  People are killing other people and this isn’t something you wave aside.  Riots in Virginia.  All I need to say.  I’ve made it clear where I stand. No alt-right.  No Neo-Nazis.  No hatred is acceptable.  If you want to in anyway excuse the actions of the alt-right scum in Virginia, be you friends or family…I do not want you in my life.  Now or ever.  Because that is excusing hatred and butchery of innocent people.  Words alone cannot express how lucky I feel to be in Japan now.  The US is fighting to keep its conscience…when I am living in a country where rioting and open bigotry is not a thing…I can only shake my head at the things going on in the US.  So, for those who read.  I encourage you. Make yourself known.  Hatred.  Racism.  Sexism.  Bigotry.  Nazism.  Facism.  These are things we do not want or need in America.  Do not sit by quietly and wait for it to go away.

Sigh…I don’t like to get political here.  But politics is a part of life for everyone, whether you like it or not.  It remains.  So, at the very least, say what you believe in…say you believe in a world without hatred.  Naïve as it may sound…if we work for it, it will eventually happen.  I believe so at least.  Signing off.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Bonus Update: Matsuri and Tanabata

So, this is my update for the big weekend where I didn't take time to rest TT_TT and instead went to the Matsuri and Tanabata celebrations in Natori and Sendai respectively.  I liked them in their own ways, however I have to say the heat was dreadful and I felt like I was going to die frequently.  Thankfully, I was able to stay hydrated to mitigate the problem.
So this one is blue, not green...does that count as a new barricade for my collection?  Screw it, I'm counting it.
Looks like a mini fair ground, doesn't it?  This is Matsuri.  Lot's of stalls selling food, some live entertainment, and just good family fun.

Light bulb glasses are apparently a thing here.  The LED on the top makes the soda sparkle in it.

Live performances were on this stage, with contests, and notably, student dancing.  These kids can move.

It is hip hop though, so...eehhhhhh...

I got another soda because I was thirsty.  Also, my meal for the day was takoyaki and a special egg and bacon millet pancake.  All good and full of veggies, like cabbage and ginger.

On my way home from Matsuri, I stopped for a few glamour shots, as there are tons of beautiful areas like this park all over Natori.  Japan really is a lovely country.

Moving on, we have Tanabata.  The basic story follows a star crossed love separated by circumstance and we use these colorful decorations to show support for these young lovers in the heavens.  They come in all shapes and sizes.

Panda decos.

Oh, did I forget to mention this was all just in the station?  TO THE STREETS!!!

Another part of Tanabata is hanging wishes you have for the new year on a tree and these decorations are meant to symbolize that tied wish.

It starts out small, but...

Yeah, the decorations get really massive in the open arcades, with shielding from the rain.

These hanging decos are actually hundreds of tiny peace cranes.

Close up.  Can you see the cranes?

This massive bit of golden glowing decorations and cranes was a sight to behold.

Yes, that is the Mcdonald's M.  Even, and especially, companies can get in on this.

Once in a while we had some fun street performers.  The music was nice, but it was too crowded out for my taste.

Kudos on the costumes though, really cool.

It's more of a family holiday here with few temples and frankly, the heat drove me to seek shelter, so this was all I could manage.  Thus ends my Tanabata odyssey.