Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bonus Update: The Countryside tour

Okay, I have my blog entries ready for this, but Wednesdays are for regular updates and weekends are for bonus updates.  That said, time for some pictures.  I headed out into the rice fields and a little in the countryside during my Golden Week holiday and I've got some things to show.
Also, I was still figuring out my phone's camera during this week, so if any photos now or in the future look like crap, that's why.  Sorry.
 So, I rode my new bike into the countryside and felt a bit inspired.  We actually have a decent amount of farmland style areas out here and while it's not harvest time yet, I felt like I might want to show all of you
 We seriously do have a decent amount of farmable area.  This picture doesn't even show it all.  It stretches for a good while and some fields were full of water because some plants grow better that way.
 See those hills and mountains?  We're going up there.  At least for a ways.  Seriously though, being so close to this makes me have a bit more peace of mind.
 I found a small temple near a beautiful graveyard. It was abandoned, but I wouldn't mind a house like that.  It had Tatami inside and all the space I really wanted/needed.  I would like to live a bit farther from the city just for the ambiance even if it would be a bit more inconvenient.
 I climbed up the graveyard and decided to try and give a view of how I'd come and how far up I was.  See that blue speck?  That's my bike.
 See that city in the distance?  Yeah, that's where I live.  I rode a decent distance out and it's nice to know that if I ever need time to think and something to do, I can just ride on out here during the weekend. Since there is a bathhouse on the way home, won't matter if I get sweaty either.  I can refresh myself there.
 What I was not expecting were the barricades.  There was some minor construction and repairs along the roadside, so they blocked off a few places with the cutest, most darling little barricades.  Look at the cute little man!

Yep, the little man wasn't the only barricade, we also have onigiri samurai.  Is this going to be a habit?  Me looking for silly cute barricades?  Maybe.  Stay tuned.

More to come on Wednesday.  You can hear all about my holiday.


  1. What a lovely sight. It is good to know that you are getting out and enjoying the country that you love so much. Looking forward to more photos.

  2. Delightful! Keep up the good work! These entries are witty, informative, and inspiring! Good on ya! :-)
