It’s…been a rough patch. Not in terms of like…bad stress? Just a lot of exhaustion just because I’ve had less time for myself. Between trying to fix my sleeping schedule and welcoming our new teacher, I’ve had about 1 day to myself a week and far fewer hours after work, all of which is less than ideal. School is fine, I like our new arrival, she’s cool, and both my bosses are here now, so…pins and needles, folks, pins and needles.
Life at the school is better, we have a much happier and friendlier atmosphere overall. Lots of students are leaving because of graduation or changes in their lifestyle, it happens at the end of every March, apparently. It’s sad. I will miss a number of them. Life goes on, but…
I do want to say, I’ve had a case of the sads lately. Largely just nostalgia and missing home. A comic was updated recently that reminded me of my best friend and how much I miss her. New Overwatch update makes me miss half of my friends and talking with my DnD buddies makes me miss DnD and the other half of my buddies. Life here is fine, but…I miss people, you know?
In other news, I got to see Shirioshi castle as part of a team building exercise, and then we headed to Kitsune Mura, the fox village. Took lots of pictures of cute foxes and other animals. It’s not exactly restful because even if you move less during a road trip, it’s not your personal time. That said, I did have a good experience with this adventure, got to know my new colleague, and saw some more rural areas in the Miyagi region. There were a few parties to send people off as well, since the students are graduating, and more team building with my bosses. I got to try an excellent Chinese place I must go back to next time I’m in Sendai. And more Amiibos. I don’t buy that many, actually. I just found one or two I really wanted…nostalgia, mostly. Cloud Strife and Mewtwo. Fists in the air for Smash Bros Brawl Switch. That also reminds me, I miss my brother. I wish we could play together like we used to. I also miss my niece, who’s just growing like a weed, hehe.
Enough maudlin crap. Today, I also saw a play. I tried out the dry cleaning near my house, it was time to get my blankets cleaned, and it worked well, but I was so tired. But, I was given a ticket to see this play and had just enough time to see it before our team building, so…I went for it. I was called and one of my students was in it, so I answered. It was done by a group of students ranging from elementary to junior high and maybe high school. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but…they went all out. The story is pretty fairy tale-esque, as it was about a fairy helping a group of people by letting toys come alive and be their inspiration. In the end, everyone goes off to pursue their dreams and everyone is happy. However, we had major production values. Choreographed dancing with up to 40 students of all ages, all in sync. Great singing, mics on basically everyone, audience interaction, and lots of small touches that others could miss, but which just make it that more…wow. For example, our main heroine, a little girl, comes in on her scooter and hits a magic fairy. Like 30 students gather around her to talk and sing, and off to the side, the fairy is acting her heart out like she just got hit by a truck and is crawling around on the floor to safety and no one on stage is paying attention to her, but it just adds to the whole scene. It’s funny, charming, and excellent. Or the amazing computer programmer who’s singing about giving a great gift to a girl he likes, is doing cartwheels and flips(yes, really) and behind him, a delinquent just takes his present, blows him a kiss, and casually strolls off scene like it’s no big thing and he doesn’t see her at all. It’s the little things that make it shine, but the music and singing were top notch, stuff like this would, I think, even impress Broadway. There are some weird moments, though, like when our heroine gets kidnapped, RIGHT NEXT TO the male leads and no one pays it any mind. Then they get a note. And then EVERYONE whines about their own problems before the old mentor tells them to get their act together and they are like, “Oh yeah, kidnapped…” it’s part of the charm, but very much a play. I had a great time, though, I imagine I stuck out like a sore thumb. The foreigner in the black coat amongst all the families there to see their kids.
Before I show photos, a few random thoughts from both Japan and the internet. Why do people try and use English with me when I speak Japanese with them? I can speak the language, guys. Best quote from my friend in regards to America, “It’s like everyone is trying to pretend the government isn’t imploding.” And finally, I get sick of people online and off who try to assume they know what’s best for everyone or who denigrate a person because they’re tired or sick or not feeling well from something that wouldn’t put anyone else down. Different people have different tolerances, so don’t tell people how to live. And those are my random thoughts and frustrations. Photo time!
Map of Shirioshi castle, beautifully illustrated |
Love plum blossoms, it reminds me of Sumi |
Fox Village time. So cute! So floofy! |
Also goats! |
Also mutant rabbits from...wait, what?! These are mara, they're like rabbits with deer legs. |
Proper rabbits |
Guinea pigs! |
So cuuuuuuuuuute! |
What a cool play and a delightful outing! Seems like great good fun all around!