Tuesday, December 12, 2017

November – December Update

 November – December update
It’s been a long ride so far.  I’m actually debating whether or not I should go back to updates, however I do feel that…something is needed.  So, let’s actually do a bit of recap.
From when last we left off, life has cooled a bit, but it’s been frustrating.  I have had trouble finding the soda that forms my lifeblood.  I’m managing, but…ugh.  I make do with Ginger Ale, Mountain Dew, and what Doctor Pepper I can scrounge, though that isn’t much.  Chips are going okay.  I’ve also been sick a lot recently, but I’m doing okay now.
People are marching to my door for contact, both in China and in the States.  It’s been nice reconnecting with friends and for the less tech savy, making it work.  I’ve had a bit of good times. Good times aside, I’m on a strange schedule.  The Witcher 3 helps, because it is so fun, though I have a lot of other games to work on. I have lost most of my editing time as I need to sleep extra before work to make up the deficit I’ve built up.  It’s frustrating.  I’ve had a chance for a trip to the mall to fix my coat, which was missing buttons, and I headed to the bath house as well. Also, I discovered a wonderful Japanese soup called Oden which is a great treat on a snowy day. It’s basically dashi broth with noodles, egg, daikon, and other goodies.
On top of the sleep deficit, I attended a Christmas party this Sunday, which is my day off.  Sigh.  I don’t want to be a curmudgeon, but holidays lose some of their meaning when I’m overseas.  It’s not quite the same as being at home, with the people you love.  I had to basically skip any semblance of Thanksgiving, save for talking about it with my students.  I do have a Christmas day meal ordered with the KFC.  Don’t laugh.  It looks pretty cool, and they did have pot pies of late that I’ve been pleased eat them. I will be doing my yearly tradition soon of Christmas Nights into Dreams.  It’s going to be quiet, joyful nostalgia.
The Christmas party itself was…fun, but very exhausting.  Wrangling children tends to be, haha.  They sure are cute and the activities we had were pretty cool overall.  I do still marvel at my boss, at times.  A mix between magician and drill sergeant who can control any situation.  I’m working on that myself.
If it sounds like not much has happened beyond what I’ve written above, that’s because not much has.  Some days are better than others.  Last week, I’ve been knocking it out of the park, more or less with, if not fun, then at least varied activities.  Ups and downs…that’s life. Still, I did get feedback on how to improve and I will strive to do just that.
Keeping things short because not sure what else really to say.  I’ve been surviving.  I enjoy my life for the most part.  I have everything I need here, though not quite everything I want.  Love would be nice.  But I’m not going to push too hard yet.
Hang, mister Vimes. I will hang.  Will I continue this journal?  Eh.  Maybe.  We’ll see.


So, I feel…I will continue the blog.  I’ll update this soon on my blog itself.  I don’t know what’s coming, which is a bit frustrating as my family and friends want to make plans, but life is nothing if not unpredictable.  Still, I feel I’ve been given a nice bit of perspective, recently, as well as some good vibes from friends.  This should be an okay, or hell, even a great Christmas.  Let’s see.

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