Saturday, April 29, 2017

April: April 5 - April 14

April 5, 2017
            Today, I headed out to an internet café to speak with my family via email and facebook.  It was more trouble than I thought, since I had to get a membership card, however it all worked out in the end and I got an hour and a half of precious internet.  Pity it was spent looking over mobile carriers in Japan to try and find who to go with.  Thinking I have to go with Softbank if I want facetime and to video call my best friend.  Whatever…it’s only money.  I got ramen afterwards, like I said I would, and went grocery shopping.  Cooking is still a bit intimidating for me, since I’m in survival mode, so I picked up some drinks, some ready made food for tonight’s dinner, and some small stuff I can cook without any issues.  Probably tomorrow’s lunch.  Japanese grocery stores blow American stores out of the water with prepared food that is cheap ready to eat, and of startling variety, like tempura, spaghetti and tonkatsu.  In many ways, it’s a wonderland, however I was low on time, so I picked up only some basics.
            One thing I will say is I am sick of the computers here because the space bar is super duper tiny and I’m not used to typing with computers like that.  Also, because of the use of Japanese characters, I have to caps lock my words to not use hiragana when using a Japanese computer and the punctuation symbols are in weird places.  There is no @ and apostrophes are lost to me here.  I’m…mostly sticking to this computer for my serious typing because it’s what I’m comfortable with.
            Keeping this short since I just got in from work and am basically dead on my feet.  I feel a bit frustrated because while I have the experience, building confidence takes time and since this is a different kind of curriculum to what I did before, I have to learn new habits, unlearn old habits, and not re-learn bad habits.  The kids are balls of energy and I need to try and match their level, to make them laugh, be engaged, but also to learn.  It will be an adjustment period, since I’ve taught a few kids, but I’m mostly used to adults.  Still, a lot of the same rules apply.  My boss has been good about all this and I’ve learned while watching him teach as well as taken criticism gracefully.  Better than my boss in China, I’ll say that much. I feel jealous of those who are already used to it, but not maliciously so.  I want to be better is all. I know, however, that it will take time.  I have to consign myself to that and just make peace with it, because as neurotic as I can be at the best of times, it’s worse when under stress…and right now, the most important thing for me is getting into the swing of the new schedule, which my body is still getting used to, and surviving until internet.  That internet café provided me with a lot of relief, but I can’t do it every day.  Ten dollars for an hour and a half of internet is just too much. Yes, that was the actual cost.  Once I’ve got my footing and once I’ve had time to adjust, I know all this will come.  I adapt.  I survive.  I endure.  It’s a trait I inherited from my father and my mother.  And one I’m quite proud of.
April 6, 2017
            Not so much to report today.  I’ve been wanting more and more sleep, probably due to me being run a bit ragged getting setup over the last week and my general lack of sleep before coming to Japan.  I got a bit paranoid about my apartment being unlocked so I used my only break of the day to head home and check…thankfully, I was wrong.  Turns out I found my mail box…full of the last teacher’s soggy, out of date mail.  Charming.  Into the burn pile it goes.  And no, I’m not joking.  Trash is divided to an almost obsessive degree here.  We got burnable, plastic, bottles, heavy paper, cardboard, milk cartons(yes really,) all of which need to be separated and bagged in different groups.  Ugh…it’s a pain.  I got a taste of what will soon be the norm.  True, four and a half hours isn’t as bad as in China, but it’s in a big clump that worries me.  Still, I’ve done six hours at a time, so I can handle most things.  Mostly, I’m just tired.  I will say I got my boss to show me how to do a few things today and each time it’s like watching a mix between a drill sergeant and a magician.  He can hold a class of children in the palm of his hand, keep their interests up, and get them to excel.  It’s…like a kind of magic.  Working on that myself.  Some classes are better than others, but at least I can get a few more laughs and engagement at times.  Some days, you do just have to slog through and hold people’s hands though.  It’s just the nature of the work.  Still no residence card, which means…no internet.  Good god…it’ll get sorted out eventually, but still…frustrating to a huge degree.  Also, I have work on Saturday, so my recovery time is again limited.  True, it’s only for a short period, but since I met my boss last Saturday, I’ve been moving at light speed to get things sorted out.  Okay, not light speed.  It’s all manageable, but the first few weeks are always rough as I have to get the paperwork sorted out.  Still hoping it will all be over before the end of next week.
April 7, 2017
            I’m getting there, as far as this new teaching style goes.  The problem is that neuroses die hard.  When I taught adults, I knew what I was doing from over two years of experience.  Now, I’m new, so I have the same problem I had when I was in China.  That lingering fear that I’m going to be fired for not meeting my employer’s desires.  Ironically, my boss, who’s a great guy if he’s reading this(I kid.  My bosses are great all around.) told me stories about how other teachers, not from this school but in general, tend to screw up more as people than as teachers.  Since I’m on the straight and narrow, as long as I take my criticism gracefully and strive to improve, like I did in China, I should be fine.  Still, there’s no telling what can happen.  I might just have a bunch of classes who hate me, so…well, we’ll see.  It’s a bit depressing to know that this awaits me at any job I go to from here on, because twice is a pattern…I don’t like the feeling of not knowing if I can succeed.  Logically, I can.  Done it before, I can do it again.  But that stress and fear that you’ll just disappoint and fail…it follows you.  Still, beats looking for work.  That’s REALLY depressing.  Once I get my legs, I’m sure things’ll be fine.  I’m still trying to adjust, after all.  After this week ends, I’ll probably space out entries a bit more.  The worst of the depression has passed, now I’m just moving into frustration from lack of internet.  Especially when I hit a brick wall with a game.  Dammit, Dragon Quest…Anyway, enjoying life a bit more in terms of work and food, regularity helps, and adjusting.  Hopefully, I can get the last stuff I need settled soon, like my bank account, internet, and the like.
April 8, 2017
            So tired.  Did some exploring and road to the Aeon mall and back for some groceries and takoyaki/taiyaki.  Then I went to the internet café again to contact family and get some much needed data.  Data on what it would be to buy a PS4 and TV here, as well as to get through Dragon Quest 7, which is pissing me off with how cryptic the designers made it.  And again, it could be a month or longer before I have internet.  After that, I had to attend a party at work.  It was a party for older students and alums.  While fun, I was on my feet for five hours after two separate bike trips and I ate too much, leaving me with a wicked stomach ache.  I admit, I’m less than enchanted with my situations.  I started moving on April 1st and have been running full tilt till today.  It’s past midnight now and god willing, I will just rest and finally get around to decorating my house in the morning.  I just want some time to consolidate everything.  That’s all.  My legs hurt.  My feet hurt.  My stomach hurts.  So, now I’m going to lie down.
April 9, 2017
            Taking an easy day today.  Not going out, just going to rest and decorate the house.  I’ve had some thoughts I wanted to share lately.  First, whenever someone says, “It could be worse,” or wants to make light of your situation…a person can do that because it’s their situation, but as I’ve told my Chinese students, it’s often a bad idea for another person to say, “Don’t worry,” as that makes someone else’s fears and concerns seem less valid.  I’ve seen this a lot, both in person and online and it frustrates me a lot.  My situation isn’t terrible, but it’s not good either, since I’m still cut off from people I love and access to the internet at large.
            Next thought.  I really hate modded cars.  The walls of my home are very thin and I can hear regular cars outside when they pass by, so modded cars who sound like they’re spitting fire or grinding a pig into dust between their gears are especially frustrating when I’m trying to sleep. I understand buying a big car or an expensive car, but do you have so little to do that you must make a car which disturbs others just to show off how much money or whatever you have?  Really?
            Final thought.  I had a strange dream this morning.  It was where I still had classes tomorrow, but I was in the US with my family.  All I could think about was scrambling to try and get back to Japan and the sadness I had for giving up what I have now and for how far I’ve come.  True, it could mean I cling a bit too much to the moment, but I tend to think these kinds of ideas stem from an idea that I really do want to be here.  As hard and as worrying as some of what I do is, I do enjoy it and the schedule may be awkward, but I’ve been getting good sleep for the first time in a long while.  I don’t want to give that up. I’m not used to stress based dreams, actually, they don’t happen very often for me.  As such, I’m not sure what to make of this one.
            Either way, random thoughts over.  I am going to shower and consolidate my household.  Take care of the trash needing to be separated, decorate, wash clothes, etc.  And then I can lie down for an early night.  I have lots planned for next week.
            Ugh…Dragon Quest 7, you have a lot of problems and it took me far too long to finish you…60 hours…ugh…felt like 120. I seriously thought of 100 ways the game could have been improved and streamlined in the last two days alone.  I’m grateful my best friend gave it to me though.  Kept me busy during the depressing times here while I was adjusting to Japan.  I’m finally done, but I do have just…one…question.  Why is it that even after reviving the four spirits of the elements, saving the world and killing THE DEVIL HIMSELF, people still treat me like a shmuck and chastise me for sleeping late or supposedly slacking off.  I just saved the entire planet!  Cut me some slack!
April 10, 2017
            First night without too much sleep.  I think I slept too much yesterday to make up for a previous deficit, but…whatever.  So…I bought a TV today.  It’s getting delivered on Saturday.  Mixed feelings here.  One of the things I promised myself here in Japan was to not have a miserable gaming experience, meaning I need a TV and PS4.  I just feel mixed because I still don’t have my bank card, so this is basically still coming out of my savings from the states.  Ugh.  Either way, I saw the TVs and…when my dad and I bought me one after high school you got either CRT or LCD.  We bought a nice, big CRT for about 180 dollars.  These days, you pick size, but also do you want usb, lan, hdd connections, do you want it to have integrated youtube or Netflix?  I…just feel really disconnected from these kinds of TV sales.  I just want a TV. A TV to play games on.  Anyway, I bought a 40 inch TV for about 370 dollars, including delivery.  No real bells and whistles. I feel like I’m a bit misinformed about prices, but I feel like I spent more than I should for a tv of that size.  Yes, it is flat screen and it has hdmi connectors for a PS4, but…eh, whatever.  Worry about it later.  For now, I just want to relax and game…once my TV arrives.  Actually, getting ready for work as I write this.  First week with my boss being back in the States, so…I need to show my stuff.  Got a few ideas for improving my classes.  We’ll see how it pans out.
            Welp, back from classes.  Still having trouble with my elementary classes.  I try to make it fun and be funny and charming, but also teach good grammar points and the students only care about the games.  Not surprising, I guess, but…discouraging.  The junior high and high school classes are better.  I have a bit more charisma and am able to joke a bit and I’ve tried to create some templates that help out a lot.  It’s modular and while I need to make it prettier and more streamlined, it’s something I can give to the students to have them practice with each other and create their own language…and it kinda works.  I so hope this keeps working out.  Today was a trial run and now I want to see how well it works with tomorrow’s lessons.  Also, I inexplicably forgot how to spell tomorrow today…no, really…it was weeeeeeeeeeeird.  Still love teaching kinder age classes.  The 4-5 year olds can be easily distracted, but they’re more willing to be silly, do charades and games, and practice with the flash cards.  They are also so bloody cute.  Wish I had more of the kinder classes, honestly.  Love my kinder and junior high to adult classes.
April 12, 2017
            It was rainy yesterday and so windy today that I almost got pushed off my bike.  It’s getting closer to rainy/windy season.  I bought a game today for the PS4 that should have English support…we’ll see.  If it works, I know I can play some Japanese games in English, but I won’t know until I get my TV on Saturday.  I plan to buy a PS4 tomorrow.  It’s a bit worrisome.  The phrase, what if you fail, is always in the back of my mind.  I put a lot of money into this venture, after all and while I will get paid soon…it’s concerning if things go south.  Fortunately, I have a strong constitution like my father.  I don’t let fear get in the way of doing what needs to be done.  I promised myself this time I wouldn’t be timid and wait for things to improve or just scrape by like I did in China.  I’m going to enjoy myself here and a PS4 is a good way to pass time until I eventually get my internet connected.
            On an unrelated note, I tried KFC here today.  Good stuff, similar to China, with less focus on the fatty breaded chicken.  It’s still there, but you have more meat and less breading.  Better than the US by far.  Still, I need to adjust to size proportions.  A small is almost always enough.  I don’t need a large.
April 13, 2017
            Welp, I’ve bought a PS4.  Now, if only the worrying would stop.  I did my research and I should be able to switch the language of the system itself and several games to English, for my personal enjoyment.  I bought Doom which should have full English Support, but I can’t help but worry I dropped 300 dollars on the PS4 and 400 dollars on the TV for…nothing.  It will probably work out, but one way or another, the die is cast.
            Frustrating side note.  I’ve survived for almost a year and a half with six hours a night’s sleep and a nap later in the day, but now that I’m in Japan, I’m wanting more and more sleep…like today, I lounged about in bed for almost 10 hours from when I went to sleep.  It’s weird…I’m not used to getting lots of sleep nor needing or wanting more after getting said large amount of sleep.  Also, I keep waking up at weird hours, so maybe I’m not getting enough REM sleep, I dunno.  Also, I had to move my entire room around last night because the walls here are so damn thin.  I could hear a tv or game on the other side of the wall as I was laying down to sleep, so now my bed is against the corner where there is nothing, just outside.  I think this actually makes it colder, but…well, frustrating or not, this is the reality of having to sleep here.  Hopefully I can get Doom up and running on Saturday, when my TV is set for delivery.
            Finally got my resident card in the mail.  Tomorrow, I am going to try and get my bank information set up, get my working cell phone, and get internet set up for set up.  Fingers crossed.  In other news, one of my students bragged on me to one of the other teachers, saying she liked my classes.  It’s heartening.  It really is.  I have a better rapport with the older students who I’ve been trying to start up a casual conversation practice as part of our routine.  I’m doing okay with the kinder classes, but I still need to get my footing with the elementary levels.  I’m scared that despite my efforts to improve, I’ll come up short.  Still, no one knows my faults like me and I want to improve so…all I can do is use the resources available to me and try to do the best I can.  I need to remember this is a process.  I have experience teaching adults, so that’s why the older students are easier to engage with.  I still need to adapt to teaching the youngsters.  As for the really young kids, it’s a lot like being with my niece.  Their energy is infectious, and with the right exercises, you can match or even exceed their own(exceeding is uncommon though.  The kids are wired.)
            Fun fact.  I bought bacon carbonera and squid at a convenience store for dinner tonight.  Surprisingly the squid was poor(because it’s Japan, even the convenience stores have great food.) Unsurprisingly, the carbonera was amazing(because in Japan, even the convenience stores have great food.)
April 14, 2017
            Second week over.  It’s been up and down, honestly.  Some classes have gone really well and some have been a struggle.  Either way, I am trying to improve.  Need to work on controlling the unruly better and engaging my students in different ways, as I feel I don’t have enough variety in my activities. 
Today, I got my bank account set up, which was nice.  Unfortunately, it took so long that I didn’t get time to set up my internet today, so…it will have to be next week.  I could be angry, but why bother?  It’s not as if that will make it better.  At this point, just taking things in stride. I felt a bit sorry for the banker.  He was a nice fellow, but seemed so nervous and we had to redo a few things because of my crazy name and the rules of Japanese banking.  But it was finished in the end and I finally have a way to get paid.
What I am unsatisfied with are my dreams.  I’ve had far too many stress related dreams lately.  Dreams of being fired or late to class or something like that where I wake up but it was so vivid that it was terrifying.  It’s not often I have these and yet so many have hit me since arriving.  The night of the 14th, since today is the 15th, was the first night I had real trouble sleeping, as well.  Not sure if it was due to the heat, as it was a much warmer night, or what, but…frustrating.  I should also touch on the fact that when I woke up stateside, my hair might be disheveled, but nothing a quick brush down couldn’t fix.  Every morning I wake up here, I look like a DBZ character with my hair sticking out at impossible angles.  I have no idea why.

I did one set of writing since arriving in Japan, but I haven’t had the time or energy for it since then, which is depressing.  Once I get all the paperwork done with, I want to go back to writing.  It’s not as if I need to go out and explore or go out and get food or whatever, every day.  Some mornings, I can just wake up and write…at least, I hope.  I miss my stories.  I miss writing.  I need to get back into the habit.

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