Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Update

 Christmas update
Not sure if I’ll keep up with regular updates, but I feel that something should be said so that I don’t forget.  There’s still a lot of uncertainty in my life, however I’ve come to some interesting realizations.  For those who missed the memo, since my home is only insulated in my room, the kitchen and bathroom are freezing.  So, few people can understand the majesty of my cushioned and fur toilet seat that looks like a Scottish kilt.  Hehe, not even kidding, it’s really wonderful.
Now, trivial matters aside, I’ll say that I’ve felt more alive than I have in a damned long time.  Not entirely sure why, but I have my theories.  Part of it is that I’m getting back into something resembling a decent sleep schedule.  Part of it is that the Witcher 3, which, while fun, has been a life consuming endeavor, is almost over.  I’m almost finished with it.  And part of it is encouragement.
I’ve had good friends and family, people who want me to keep going, but professionally, I’ve seldom gotten the encouragement I needed.  I won’t really say much beyond that, but I feel positive about my work.  I may not be able to stay on for the next year, but regardless, I still feel good.  I’ve realized what I fear beyond most things is the unknown.  Having even some knowledge about how I’m doing is like a candle that I can focus on and it makes me feel good about life.  Which is, in a strange way, cyclical.  You feel good about yourself, you feel good about your work, you feel good in general.  It’s…nice.
I’ve realized my own realization over the last few days.  While I understand societal expectations, I feel that I am grossly out of practice. I know how to treat people, however the simple social niceties of life can often feel like a foreign language.  Still, I do my best and I’ve been given notes for how to improve.  And I will.  I have made mistakes in the past…I wish I could let them go though.  To move on, I mean.  Whatever happens, I am feeling optimistic and happy, regardless of how this journey ends.  I have a lot of plans in the future. Let’s see how they pan out.
Talked with an old friend from my China days recently.  She’s from the UK and has the snark and sass that I’ve often missed in life.  We had a good time catching up, but I am again reminded of how stunted I’ve been when it comes to social niceties.  She’s way better practiced at it.  Anyway, it was an interesting thought.  She had a rough patch with some of her work, but it does make me nostalgic for my time over in Beijing.  I will admit, however, that the nostalgia, I recognize, could prove to be a rose tinted bunch of nonsense, considering how China…can be a difficult place to adapt to.  I did it once though.  Maybe I’d do it again?  Japan will always be my first choice though.
Leading up to Christmas has been…difficult, to say the least.  I was fine the weekend before, but right before I started back at work, I got hit by a nasty case of Bronchitis. It got so bad that I couldn’t even drink or swallow on Wednesday, but thankfully, I was able to get to a doctor.  I got my medicine from him and the anti-inflammatory pills helped out immensely.  I was actually able to work that day, haha. It’s helped a great deal with the pain, but I’ve still been dealing with it for the whole week.
On a less terrible note, I got a very nice gift from a friend. He gave me a souvenir from Yamagata and it was frozen, yet microwavable burgers that were…just…amazing.  Wondrously delicious.  I wish I could buy them here in Natori, but no dice.  Still, a wonderful pair of meals for someone dealing with troubles.  It’s almost Christmas here, so I’m doing small updates and after Christmas day, this’ll get posted.  Alongside my friend, Gwent’s updated and I’m having way more fun with it, despite bugs, lag, disconnects, and other players being salty. Had to skip yakiniku though…I just feel too sick to and I don’t want the issues with my stomach.
My Christmas celebrations were…trying in a number of ways, but overall I still had a good time.  I spent Sunday doing a few errands, but some of them were fun and important for my enjoyment.  I got pizza and shopped for a few supplies, but most importantly, I bought a Christmas cake to celebrate the occasion.  I also talked with my family and struggled with a game.  You might wonder why that’s a point of contention, but the game, Christmas Nights, is a tradition for me.  My save data had been wiped and I couldn’t play, but fortunately, I found others with the same issues and backup saves online, so I was able to play my Christmas tradition game.  I smiled a lot this weekend.
Monday came and I got my KFC Christmas meal.  It was very good and I was happy.  I watched Saint Oniisan with it and I was happy.  I got a call from my school and had to cover for someone who got sick.  Not so happy anymore.  It felt like cruel irony, but I did it anyway.  Wasn’t as bad as I thought.  Everyone was kind to me and I didn’t have to cover a full day of classes, just a class for the young ones.  A few people, I know, might ask me the question, why not ignore the call or say you’re traveling or claim sickness(I am still recovering from Bronchitis and a cold, but that’s beside the point.) My answer is two-fold.  First, I am pathologically honest. When someone approaches me earnestly, I cannot lie to them, even for my own benefit.  It feels wrong. There is no honor in it.  The other answer is more…complex.  I remember watching the Overwatch Short, Honor and Glory.  There were a number of memorable lines there, but the one that resonated with me was, “I have been called. I must answer.” It’s just the way I’m wired. Honor can be a heavy burden, but I chose to bear it.  The world is a terrible place.  If I can make it a bit less terrible by answering the call for aid, then I will.  Always.  Even if I am tired or don’t want to, if I can walk, I must answer the call.  I don’t want others to suffer for my selfishness.  Life is unpredictable and these things happen.  I am a bit sad because when I got the call, I didn’t have much time to prep, so I probably looked tired and haggard.  An extra 30 minutes for a shower would have helped, but I needed to get there and get planning done.  So, I feel bad, I didn’t want my co-workers to worry about me.  I didn’t need to stay for a full day though, so I am counting it as a win, a Christmas present hidden within a trial.

This Christmas has been trying, as many of mine are, but I have had a good time.  It has been a good Christmas and I enjoyed it.  Smiled a lot this weekend.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

November – December Update

 November – December update
It’s been a long ride so far.  I’m actually debating whether or not I should go back to updates, however I do feel that…something is needed.  So, let’s actually do a bit of recap.
From when last we left off, life has cooled a bit, but it’s been frustrating.  I have had trouble finding the soda that forms my lifeblood.  I’m managing, but…ugh.  I make do with Ginger Ale, Mountain Dew, and what Doctor Pepper I can scrounge, though that isn’t much.  Chips are going okay.  I’ve also been sick a lot recently, but I’m doing okay now.
People are marching to my door for contact, both in China and in the States.  It’s been nice reconnecting with friends and for the less tech savy, making it work.  I’ve had a bit of good times. Good times aside, I’m on a strange schedule.  The Witcher 3 helps, because it is so fun, though I have a lot of other games to work on. I have lost most of my editing time as I need to sleep extra before work to make up the deficit I’ve built up.  It’s frustrating.  I’ve had a chance for a trip to the mall to fix my coat, which was missing buttons, and I headed to the bath house as well. Also, I discovered a wonderful Japanese soup called Oden which is a great treat on a snowy day. It’s basically dashi broth with noodles, egg, daikon, and other goodies.
On top of the sleep deficit, I attended a Christmas party this Sunday, which is my day off.  Sigh.  I don’t want to be a curmudgeon, but holidays lose some of their meaning when I’m overseas.  It’s not quite the same as being at home, with the people you love.  I had to basically skip any semblance of Thanksgiving, save for talking about it with my students.  I do have a Christmas day meal ordered with the KFC.  Don’t laugh.  It looks pretty cool, and they did have pot pies of late that I’ve been pleased eat them. I will be doing my yearly tradition soon of Christmas Nights into Dreams.  It’s going to be quiet, joyful nostalgia.
The Christmas party itself was…fun, but very exhausting.  Wrangling children tends to be, haha.  They sure are cute and the activities we had were pretty cool overall.  I do still marvel at my boss, at times.  A mix between magician and drill sergeant who can control any situation.  I’m working on that myself.
If it sounds like not much has happened beyond what I’ve written above, that’s because not much has.  Some days are better than others.  Last week, I’ve been knocking it out of the park, more or less with, if not fun, then at least varied activities.  Ups and downs…that’s life. Still, I did get feedback on how to improve and I will strive to do just that.
Keeping things short because not sure what else really to say.  I’ve been surviving.  I enjoy my life for the most part.  I have everything I need here, though not quite everything I want.  Love would be nice.  But I’m not going to push too hard yet.
Hang, mister Vimes. I will hang.  Will I continue this journal?  Eh.  Maybe.  We’ll see.


So, I feel…I will continue the blog.  I’ll update this soon on my blog itself.  I don’t know what’s coming, which is a bit frustrating as my family and friends want to make plans, but life is nothing if not unpredictable.  Still, I feel I’ve been given a nice bit of perspective, recently, as well as some good vibes from friends.  This should be an okay, or hell, even a great Christmas.  Let’s see.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bonus Update: Hokkaido Photos: Mt. Hakodate and Onuma Koen

The view from Mt Hakodate is a wondrous one indeed.  The journey up there was difficult and cramped and there were far too many people, but it is a spectacular sight, unlike most you can find in the world.  Like a bejeweled pick axe or double sided scythe.  The Onuma park was definitely another highlight as the nature around me was gorgeous. Then, I had to go home. So ends my journey and my photos.

Despite the huge number of people, the view from the top of Mt. Hakodate is breath taking.

This is my favorite shot.  It's like a pair of twin crescents back to back, forming the blade of a pickaxe or a double sided scythe that is Hakodate.

Onuma Koen was a beautiful park that I got to explore by boat before heading home.

Think I found the next mountain I want to visit.

Lots of pumpkins before the trip home.  You can see them all here. Halloween isn't much of a thing, but here in Onuma Koen, they have pumpkin carving.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

November 10, 2017- November 12, 2017: Announcing a hiatus

November 10, 2017
You know…this has been a few weeks of trial.  Just because I am melodramatic, don’t get the idea that I’ve been blowing smoke up people’s asses.  I am tired, frustrated, and not feeling very good right now.  And it keeps getting worse.  Work has become very difficult, though I hope the workload will calm itself after tomorrow.  Likewise, I found a rather large number of bills tucked away out of sight in my mail box alongside rain damaged junk…fun times.  I could pay two of them, fine, but the third one is expired, so now I need to find out how I’m going to deal with that.  Fun, fun, fun…I’m feeling more and more beaten down and while it may be a fleeting moment, it makes me frustrated and tired.
I’ve considered shelving this blog as well.  I’ve shared my growth and this journey up to a point, but it’s becoming harder to keep writing these entries and more than that, it’s becoming more frustrating.  I feel like I’m just saying the same things again and not putting out good vibes.  I am wondering if it’s even worth doing this, especially in the days of social media where if anyone is really worried, they can just…hit me up there.  I don’t know and I’m not about to debate it tonight.  I got work in the morning and by god I will try to get my eight hours…
November 11 – November, 12 2017

I’m announcing a hiatus on updates for this blog.  I will still finish posting my photos, but…I need time.  I’m so full of anger and frustration right now that…to put it simply, the last few weeks have been building up to today, which has been the cherry on the shit sundae. The little issues are what burst dams and my dam has burst, flooding me with all the stress in the world.  I’m tired of being angry, of having things not go my way, and of people not taking that seriously.  “He’s a rock, he’ll survive…” yeah, true, but that doesn’t mean I want my issues dismissed. I don’t want to deal with anything else right now, so…good bye for a few weeks.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bonus Update: Hokkaido photos: Goryokaku

The journey to Goryokaku was an interesting one.  My legs were very tired the entire time, but it was a beautiful little fort, full of nature and traditional Japanese design.  The magistrates house is like what I want to live in when I die.  It's wondrous.  As was the sight of Goryokaku from the great tower.

Goryokaku is a beautiful place

I want a house like this

Despite this place being a recreation, it's functionally brand new due to how recently it was remade.

Hey, look, I'm the magistrate now.

Love me some models

The tower is really impressive

Welcome to Diorama city, telling the tale of Goryokaku.  I do love dioramas

The view is pretty breathtaking