Monday, January 6, 2020

January 6, 2020

January 6, 2020
            First entry of the year. Quite possibly, also, the last. I don’t really get much joy out of doing this anymore, but I feel like perhaps I should, just to chronicle where I am after so much depression in the previous entries, for those worried. Some sadness still lingers and the beginning of the year has been…difficult, but I have had lots of fun things besides that.
            I should start that 2019, in reflection, was utterly horrible. Easily, one of if not the worst year of my entire life. I lost everything I cared for apart from my family. I lost the woman I loved, my best friend, my peace of mind, my self-esteem, my health, my sources of joy, my patience, and so many more. It was the year of taking. But I survived. And, I promised myself that in 2020, I would let go of my bitterness. I would not be angry with the people who could not be there for me, for I know it isn’t fair. I also had to work an extra day when I was supposed to have a holiday because of uncontrollable circumstances. I find it ironic that in summer I’m more prone to getting sick than in the winter. Everyone around me drops from influenza, but I endure the storm, no problem.
            Despite my pains and troubles, I have always tried to keep a smiling face for the children I teach. I don’t want them to know I am bothered. I want them to have good memories and a future full of joy, especially at Christmas. For me, I could not find the rest, nor indulge in the traditions I wanted to this year, but I smiled, nonetheless, for my students. Because I like helping people. 2019 has been a year of disillusionment for me on many things, but I can never be disillusioned by those I teach. No matter what anyone says, I have the best students in the world. Kids with potential to be something incredible. And I will help them move forward, laugh, smile, and someday, travel beyond the borders of this town.
            The year started off well, with a reunion with an old friend. Our journey to the bathhouse was quite relaxing and we also got a chance to visit a Japanese ryokan. I was a bit worried about finances, but my friends kicked in and it helped cover all the major expenses. The bad news? Well, Tashirojima, the cat island, was very cute and all, but also brutally cold and windy, with very few bathrooms and very little cover. It was a test of endurance, with almost 5 hours of walking during the day. A day I woke up at 5am for and barely slept for the night before. Needless to say, I was cranky by the end of it, but the Ryokan and the bath housed within helped with that. The dinner we had was also something spectacular and something I feel everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime. At least 20 different varieties of food in one meal. Crazy. Unfortunately, the day before my friend arrived, I blew out my knee with my exercise routine and the walking didn’t help, so I had to cancel our trip to the mountain of Yamadera. My friends managed to go on their own, which I’m glad for, and they enjoyed the local sights. It is a bit depressing that when my friends and family visit, everything is either too busy or just flat out closed, as was the case here in winter. We did get a chance to go to lots of different restaurants and they loved the steak house near my house. Oddly, Japanese steak is often considered far better than American steak. I am prone to agree. I also got a third bag to help me pack. Still not sure about when I’m going to move, whether it be to America or to another part of Japan, I think Japan since I’ve gotten a few soft offers, I just need something concrete. I felt a bit bad for needing to rest when my friend was visiting, but it was necessary. Few people can keep up with her. She’s a lady in her 60s with the energy of a 20-year old. On caffeine. Who doesn’t need to sleep.
            My family sent me a set of books for Christmas…and I could not be happier. I’ve missed reading so much. Of course I read in games and on the internet, but to hold a book in hand or lie under my bed covers engrossed in a story is something truly wonderful. I’m struggling a bit with trying to find my sources of joy again and my peace of mind once lost. Games are…fun, but still a bit empty. I will continue working on it. I’ve been eating a bit more than I should. Comfort food and all that. And indulging in podcasts for DnD and other silliness that helps me to feel better about life. I am…recovering. I will know how to move forwards once things settle and I either have a hard contract for future work or I find that I need to return to the US. Whichever, I will know soon enough. We start rebuilding now.
            My resolutions for 2020:
            Let go of my past bitterness.
            Find joy in video games again
            Read at least 5 times a week, if not more
            Continue with my exercise routine
            Continue writing twice a week
            Reach out to people a bit more often
            Eat less/snack less
            Watch some series(the witcher on Netflix looks very fun.)
            Be there for my students however I can
            Start dating again

            Hehe, most of these are pretty normal, I would do them anyway, but I think that’s fine. Small goals help you work towards larger goals. My Tarot reading for the future is…optimistic. I much avoid temptations, like the card games I’ve been too consumed by or the food that I have used for comfort, but it shows me working hard and finding some kind of bond. Be that in romance or jobs.
            To the woman who stole my heart, I don’t know if you’re still alive out there. I still think of you often. If you are out there, however, I hope you find happiness.
            Well, here we go. Let us walk into the future.

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