Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 11, 2019

November 11, 2019
Hello, everyone. I don’t want to dwell too much on the bad. It’s been hard these last few months. Let me just get out what needs to be gotten out and give a short review. That’s what this is here for, yeah?
So, I broke up with my significant other. No more info than that. There’s no hatred in my heart, just sadness. It was unfortunate, but unavoidable. The one thing I DO want to add. May you find happiness, wherever life may take you.
Anyway, I’ve had a hard time with stress as well. The job searching has been going very well, but the pressure can be crushing. And I haven’t had the support from stateside that I probably needed. I’ve had a few people chime in, but it’s easy for me to get lost in the shuffle. I don’t hold any ill will about that. But it has been hard. I’m going to be trying to get things into a more manageable situation over the next few weeks. I’ve tried before now, but I think I have a shot at changing life for the better through a number of things, so we’ll work towards that. Growing up, I’ve always held true that, when faced with adversity, you can be crushed by it and in so doing become bitter, angry, and hate filled…or you can try to rise above. That’s what I do. That’s what I’ve always tried to do. Because when you hurt others, who gains? No one. Sir Terry Pratchett said through the goblins in his book Snuff, that to live, you must hang. Hang high. Hang low. But whatever you do. Hang ON. So, I will.
I’m going to take a break from social media for a while, so this will probably be my last shared entry for 2019. I wish I could say my October holiday was great. I did go to a lovely little Ryokan, which gave me some much needed tranquility, with delicious food, a great sea view, and a gorgeous Japanese style room. But, it was also a bit lonely. This was right after the breakup. And after that, it was mostly job hunting. I’ve done well, but the scheduling, the stress, and the pressure has been hard at times. Still up in the air about whether I can go to Hokkaido or not, but I think it’s safe to stay I’ll be in Japan, for at least another year.
Alongside the job hunting stress, I’ve had video game issues. I know people will roll their eyes, but imagine. Imagine something you do to relax every day just suddenly up and stops working. How do you react? I actually was able to put it into words after an experience recently. Even if you can make it better, even if it’s not all that bad, you rage and feel great sadness because of the hopelessness and powerlessness of the situation. When you look back, it’s not so bad, but in the moment, it can be crushing. What I’m trying to say is my Playstation 4 periodically breaks and starts working again with no way for me to control it. I spent a good week trying to repair it, more stress, only for it to work like clock work that Saturday. Then break again the following week. And work again today. Sigh. It’s been an up and down experience. I believe that we get better at managing these stresses and surprises as we endure them, so I’m doing fine now, but it was not something I needed after losing so much already.
Work is going well, however. We had a very fun season. Though it was exhausting, the students loved Halloween and seeing them smile and enjoy the treats and games we laid out for them gave me life. Unfortunately, right after that, eiken interviews started up. Haha, the two sides of leisure and study, back to back. It’s a bit ironic, no? Still, I love my students and I’ve been blessed to be able to teach them.
I think I’ve had like…five or six job interviews up to this point? So, yeah, I’m doing well in that regard. I do have some solid offers, but I’m probably going to slow down a bit and focus more on Hokkaido, since I have enough offers on Honshu already. It’s not exactly fun, since my Mondays are now booked solid till the end of November, but I make do.
Life changing things. I’m still trying to fix my sleep schedule. That is…going to be a process. It will continue to be an issue, I feel, just because of all the stress, but I am trying. Nutrition. I think I’ve done well with eating good stuff here in Japan, but I’ve cut my soda intake by about half and replaced it with a less caloric and healthier tea alternative. It’s been nice. I am still snacking more than I want, but that brings me to: Exercise. So, one of the biggest hurdles to any kind of major change, in my opinion, is accessibility. You can say, “Just go to the gym,” till you’re blue in the face, but if people can’t find the time, or can’t bear to leave home(it is getting cold outside) or are embarrassed or whatever, it won’t happen. So, Nintendo released a game called Ring Fit, which uses a resistance ring and leg straps to track movement in a work out that is tailored to be like a JRPG. You can do it at your own pace, in your own home, with no judgement, and tailor it to your time and needs. How could I resist? I’ve decided to try it for the month of November and see how it does with me. So far, I’ve been good about doing it every day but Saturday, which I can’t because of schedules. And though I’m dead tired a lot, I do feel healthier, working up a sweat when I wake up. It’s…I hesitate to call it nice, so I’ll say, satisfying. Writing. As I am writing this, I am taking a bit of a cheat day. So, I’ve worked up my writing and editing to two days a week, my weekend days. Not perfect, but an improvement after the long doldrums I’ve had. Because of the length of this, I am going to count this entry as my writing for Monday, but still, point stands. I am back on track to try and finish my book.
Despite all the stress, I have found lots of things to enjoy in life. There is a wonderful chicken snack here called Karage-kun which has always wowed me with its flavors, but the latest, miso onion cream soup, is pure magic in my mouth. I received a generous gift of garlic cream cheese and orange cream cheese and it has been wonderful. Hazbin hotel was finally released, and while it’s not for kids(no really, don’t show this to your kids) it was a fun romp that I thoroughly enjoyed. Games have been fun as well. Monster hunter, Zelda, Luigi’s mansion, Ring Fit, and many more have kept me going, though I have been more tired of late. And the Moomins remain very fun. I just wish I had more people to share it with. It was nice to go on a team building with my school on Saturday, but I regret being so tired from working that I was probably a bit quiet. Still, all good things.
I don’t think “I want to be alone,” is the right thing to say, but social media isn’t the place I feel I need to be now. There’s not enough outreach, so to speak. So, this is goodbye for a while. I’m going to take care of me. If anyone does need me, however, you know where to find me. Most of you have my email, after all. Adieu.

Monday, September 23, 2019

September 23, 2019

September 23, 2019
            Being 100% honest, I was not convinced that I would write one of these this month. Life has not been good. It hasn’t been bad, exactly, either, but it has been a tumultuous whirlwind. So, in order, I was sick for the better part of…good lord, 8 weeks? Only about four days out of that were so bad I couldn’t work, but still, when you lay it all down, it was one heck of a struggle. I’m doing very well now. Even though we’re doing lots of Eiken test practice, which requires heavy use of my voice, I’m handling it well. Thank goodness for throat drops. Busy time at school has been a blessing as it keeps me busy and, in many ways, fulfilled. More on that later. I’m dealing with a personal tragedy that I don’t wish to go into here, but I’m managing, as best I can. My community around me came together to help me through some of the hard times for a few days, though it can be easy to forget they do that when the support disappears once you can stand on your own. Still, I suppose that is for the best. As a wise god once said, perhaps it is best for the people to not rely on my power. The best thing we can hope for is for them to stand on their own. More on that later, too.
            So, the big thing for me recently has been job hunting. For any interested in working in Hokkaido, the Hokkaido Insider is your inside ticket, as the man who runs it has contacts all over the island. Beyond that, I’ve tried reconnecting with an old friend who lives in Hiroshima and a few of my Chinese friends. I’m job hunting most week days for at least an hour or two. I had to update all my information and I even wrote out an introduction and a resume in Japanese. It was…an interesting challenge. Oh! And I got my JLPT test score back. I passed! Spectacular, eh? But though I want to work in Hokkaido, I have to be open to all options, since I want to stay in Japan. That’s really been one of the big problems. Choice paralysis is an occurrence in many situations where an overabundance of possibilities leaves someone doing nothing, as they don’t know the correct thing to do first, which is a bit…terrifying until you come to grips with it. For me, I had to force myself to sit down and say, “You are going to do something job related for this one hour period!”
            Speaking of sitting and working, I am trying to get my book edited. It’s slow going, as my sickness and the personal stuff knocked me out of writing for at least two months, but I am coming back, slowly. It’s been hard, at times. My days being sick left me bedridden on the weekends, but I’m finally able to go out and do stuff again and it feels great. I went to the bath house this week, I went to a number of my favorite restaurants the week before, had yakiniku for the first time in like 3 months(Again, I was sick and busy) and I went for a long ride to go get pizza. It’s all been very exciting and enjoyable. Since it’s September in Japan, we also have one of the best treats of the year, the moon/tsukimi burger, which is a twist on an egg burger in the US. It’s really delicious and a personal recommendation for the season.
            Game wise, I’m still debating the value of Magic the Gathering, as I love the art, lore, and mechanics, but it is addictive. I have to be very careful with that. I’m also juggling a switch controller repair, which has been tough because I can’t send mine in from Japan and they won’t ship to America, so…I’ve had to collaborate with my family to get the ball rolling. I also got Astral Chain, which I beat even during a power outage, thank you Switch, which is fun, but a bit too complicated for some players. I also got Monster Hunter Iceborne, which I love and is a good replacement for Warframe, which I’m on a break from again. In media news, I’ve also developed a deep love for the Moomins, which is a series that is both very old and very new, with many charming incarnations.
            Now, before I finish, I do want to take a moment and say something rather personal. I talked before about standing on your own and fulfillment and I’ve had to take a hard examination at my life when it finally sunk in that I’m…well, I’m going to be leaving the students I’ve taught for almost three years. I’m kinda thankful they don’t read this blog. I don’t want them to be sad. Anyway, I’ve seen many of them struggle, some of them misbehave and learned the quirks that make them tick and I feel the kind of overwhelming pride and protectiveness that I can only imagine must be what a parent feels. I’ve taught over a hundred, maybe close to two hundred, kids over the last three years, with new faces arriving and old ones bowing out. I’ve always wanted to help them. To give them the courage and the skills needed to stand on their own, unafraid of English or of the trials of life. Sometimes, I listen to my students share their problems and I am always reminded of the teachers who helped me through my own crises, like Brenda Williams. She sadly passed on some years ago, but it is a nice reminder how profound an impact a teacher can have on someone. My teacher saved me, in more ways than one. And I hope that I can help my students in just the same way. Whether that’s as a friend, as a mentor, or just as someone who cares. I’ll say this. I have a few naughty kids, but I don’t have any bad kids. All my students are good and special in their own ways. And I am going to miss them dearly when the time comes. Haha, I funny thought for a few of my friends in the area is, what if you stayed in Miyagi? True, it is possible. I could even come visit. But it’s not the same. I’ll truly miss them.
            I’m not sure if the message of how important this work has been to me can be properly gotten across through a blog. To often we get mired in the small stuffs, in the personal details, or just in life in general. But, I’m hoping that at least at tiny glimpse into my mind has given people an understanding for why I love this career and why I have such respect for any teacher who truly cares for their students. Now, if you please, send me what good wishes you can. If this has been a whirlwind so far, a tornado is on the horizon. Busy busy busy.

Monday, August 12, 2019

August 12, 2019

August 12, 2019
            Lately, it seems like I only want to write one of these after having one of my night time walks. I don’t do them as much as I want to, sadly, but hey, I’m on vacation now, so, here we are. First, an addendum. To the list of things I wish my past self knew, TOILET SEAT COVER! Can’t believe I forgot this, as I wrote my last list right after buying a new one. Get a poofy, fluffy, cushiony toilet seat cover for yourself and come winter or summer, you will always have a throne fit for a king. I am 100% serious.
            These last few weeks, nay, these last few months have been difficult for me in a number of ways. Stress from studying for tests, an incredible amount of sickness(I missed the most work I ever have this month) and a few family and personal crises. But, hey, I’m still here.
            After being sick and out of work for four days in a row, going back gave me a new found appreciate for my kids. They were a bit nervous meeting our head teachers(my lovely bosses) but I feel they all did a great job with their English. It really did feel good going back and seeing them again after my absence. I had more energy, despite my weakened body, and some were worried about me, which was touching. Haha, one of my most surprising moments is homework I had given one class three weeks prior that I didn’t expect them to remember, because I was sick, they took out right away when I showed up and while I couldn’t tell them right then and there, I felt so proud of them. They were paying attention.
            I’m trying to wean off of sodas. I did this stateside when I had my homemade stevia tea, but they have a honey tea alternative here that I’m trying to slowly replace my soda stock with. Besides, I haven’t drunk almost any soda in like 2-3 weeks because of my sickness. I missed exercising too, so tonight’s night walk was very refreshing. Just me, my music, and a bit of darkness. Pleasant.
            I’m dealing with some personal issues now, but I’m trying not to let it get me down. As my best friend said, self care is important, so I’m practicing it in various ways. Good food, games that I can stop, but which also are fun and don’t make me angry, and good memories. Speaking of memories, I did have a few sad points. They were…mostly from reminiscing. An old singer I used to love, but fell out of favor with, a girl friend left behind long ago(If my current GF is reading this, NOT YOU, this was in my college days) and of course, the passing of Sir Terry Pratchett. His work was…and remains some of the most thoughtful and important fantasy satire in history. The writing remains amazing even decades down the line. But he’s gone and…that’s a bit sad.
            I haven’t been writing due to countless factors, but this holiday, I want to jump back into it. I need to edit my book if it’s ever going to see the light of day. And I have a few other hobbies I want to return to. You might think holiday means travel, but not so much. I want to go to the bath house and visit Ishinomaki, but my health determines all this. I’m still fighting off a bit of sickness, mostly just a cough, but I don’t want a relapse, so I’m focusing heavily on rest this season. Summer has been hell, but it’s lightened up these last few days, which has been a blessing.
            I’m holding on and doing my best, as I always do. I want to send lots of love to my best friend and my special someone. I want to give my family their best wishes for a bright future. And for the last six months of my job, I’m hoping for lots of fun and a lot less sickness.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Tips to my past self(Natori Japan)

Tips to my past self(Natori Japan)
            It’s been a rough patch here lately, but in a rare moment of feeling good, having played good games, gotten encouragement, medicine, exercise, and rest, I feel like…let’s have some fun. So, I decided it would be interesting as a way of both looking back and maybe preparing my successor, to give some tips to my past self. There might be elaboration, there might not be. It’s a surprise! I will say, don’t try to Terminator 2 this. You can’t prevent tragedies beyond your control, me. Just follow my advice and have fun with whatever comes your way.

1.     You won’t have internet for a month. It’s fine. You’ll be fine. Buy a tv and PS4 and relax.
2.     Put your bed as far from the wall adjoining your neighbor as possible. They’re loud.
3.     Stay away from the window facing a parking lot(the one facing the main street is fine.) You’ll see why later.
4.     Don’t wait until January to buy your Switch. It’ll help you through some dark times.
5.     Not everyone will like you. That’s cool. Like yourself and the people who are awesome.
6.     Don’t worry so much. You’ll be fine. You will make mistakes, as a teacher and a person, but you will be fine.
7.     Buy a bicycle asap and get a basket for the back end, it will really help with shopping.
8.     The Yamaya and Aeon Mall have foreign sodas, but their supplies won’t last. Stock up. No, really, even more than you usually would. Stock. Up.
9.     The coin laundry close to your house? Go there, it’s convenient and it gets your clothes really clean and smelling great. Same for the dry cleaner next door.
10.  The bakery is great, but the conbinis are where it’s at. Don’t wait too long to go there regularly.
11.  Not all your ideas as a teacher will pan out. It’s okay. Keep on trying.
12.  Go to the Yakiniku store named Tanuki. The three words you need are Gyutan, Butatan, and Karibi. Enjoy.
13.  Next to the Yakiniku store is the drug store. It’s got good meds and the best candy in the world. Black Thunder is what you want. The pizzeria across the street is also pretty good.
14.  Go to the Ramen Shop next to the 7/11 as soon as possible. They’re good folks.
15.  Go to the bath house over the bridge asap. It’s great.
16.  If you’re worried about anything, ask your co-workers. They’re good folks and will help you with anything from words you need to know to doctors you can visit.
17.  In the spring and summer, bugs will invade your house. Duct tape up the gaps in the wall and get Mushikonazu spray. It’ll be a rough few weeks, but you’ll manage.
18.  In the rainy season, the duct tape might cause water to pool. Be watchful.
19.  Buy tissues. They’re useful for everything from sickness to cleaning and you will get sick.
20.  Go to the clinic when you feel down. Don’t wait. Healthcare here is super cheap and the clinics are the only way to get reliable meds. Colds and fevers don’t just blow over, they get miserable.
21.  Go to the dentist on your first holiday. It’s cheap and you can get those nasty wisdom teeth out.
22.  Set up an exercise routine and try to stick with it. It’s okay to rest when you’re sick, but jump back into it ASAP.
23.  Start online dating sooner. Someone awesome is waiting for you.
24.  Warframe is a fun free-to-play, but don’t take it too seriously. Don’t let it consume your life.
25.  Gwent is sadly doomed and Magic the Gathering will release an awesome, but far too addictive card game. Steer clear of both of them. For your own good.
26.  Get a humidifier to help with the dry seasons.
27.  Uniqlo is your friend for clothes that might possibly fit you.
28.  There’s lots to explore and many cool places waiting for you, but never feel guilty for just staying home for the weekend. Life isn’t always about racing to the next adventure. Take time to smell the roses, sleep in, and talk to good friends.
29.  The environment is both dry and cold in winter and hot and humid in summer. Either way, bring at least two bottles of water, tissues, and a sweat rag with you whenever you go out. No, really, WHENEVER, even if it’s just for a short walk.
30.  Digitally back up all your files. Just in case.

For more specific tips about my trips, I wanted to add a special segment. So, here we go.
1.     Go to Ishinomaki in your first year. The train ride is lovely and the manga museum is magical.
2.     The ocean is close to Natori. You can ride there on your bike. Bring tons of water and enjoy the serenity of the sea. It is a long ride though.
3.     Matsushima is more than just beautiful coastline. Go to the museums and enjoy. Make sure you go to the trick art, music box, and history museums, not just temples.
4.     Yamadera is a beautiful mountain, but only go after your exercise routine has built some muscle, otherwise, you’ll be sore.
5.     Zao is best visited in fall. Don’t go during the summer unless you get a hotel for the night, as the heat will be miserable.
6.     The fox village is adorable. Take pictures of the English there. You can use it for class. It’s fun.
7.     Hokkaido is amazing, but don’t be afraid to use taxis. Seriously, if you’re not leaving your bags and going for a walk, take a cab. The hotels can call one for you.
8.     In Hakodate, Sun City Hakodate hotel is your best friend. Also, it’s close to the Hot Box, the best burgers in the world. You’re welcome.
9.     The Food village has lots of great stuff. Try and explore more than just three restaurants.
10.  Mt Hakodate is beautiful, but the lift is almost always out of service in October. Be prepared for disappointment.
11.  Hiraizumi is a beautiful place to visit. Rent a bicycle and enjoy.
12.  If you’re going to ride your bicycle for a long stretch, make sure it’s not super windy outside. Otherwise, it’s best to just take the train. You don’t have anything to prove to anyone.
13.  You’re going to be sick when you go to Tokyo. See the doctor at least a day or two before you go. If you lose hearing, don’t panic, go to your regular clinic and get a recommendation to the Nagamachi hospital. You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble. This is my one gimme for disasters. The rest isn’t your fault or responsibility, but this…this sucked.
14.  You won’t eat Kaiseki in Tokyo. It’s fine. You’ll still have fun with your family. Bring your Switch when you go to Kawaguchiko though. You’ll thank me.
15.  Summer festival is fun, but don’t over hype it. It’s no big deal.
16.  The Senbon Zakura flower walk is in Ogawara. Go. Trust me, go. Even if you get sick, it’s unlike anything you’ll ever see anywhere else in the world.
17.  Tanabata is cool, but just see the decorations when you have other errands in Sendai. It’s hot and crowded and not your thing.
18.  The Sendai City Aquarium is also cool, but also crowded. Make your best judgement. And again, taxis can be great friends.

You might be wondering where are the standard tips like don’t be afraid to explore, or practice Japanese with the locals…well, I did those things. I came prepared. These are just tips I wish I knew earlier, because I did get here eventually. This was a fun walk down memory lane. If my successor(s) see this, these tips can also apply to you. Do your own thing, but bear these in mind.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019
            When I started this blog, I told people I would be honest about my feelings. I hate that sometimes, because lots of bad things have happened, like a cascading torrent down a water fall. Or, as my father says, when it rains, it pours. It’s not all bad, in fact, the reason I’m even posting tonight is I was done a great kindness. So, I want to say a thank you to someone who sent me a care package, you know who you are, for picking up my spirits a bit
            First, the heat has arrived. Not as bad as I thought it would be, at least not all the time, but these are still the early days of summer. The big problem I faced was an invasion of insects into my house. I mean hundreds crawling around a window I never use and had to tape up last year for this very reason. So, three weeks, lots of duck tape, and spraying bug spray every day, and I’m prepared to say, I won, but it was a stressful period.
            Next up, I am studying for the JLPT and it is stressful. I think I’m ready and doing okay, at least as ready as I can be. I’ll be glad when it’s over in about three weeks. I got my voucher in the mail today, so…everything’s in place.
            The last two cascades are…I think connected? Depression is a terrible cycle of where you don’t want to do anything, but you get weaker because you’re not exercising, so you don’t want to do anything. It’s worse with hemorrhoids. So, yeah, I have them. Seeing a doctor, getting meds, first time for me so it’s a bit strange, but…I have had to rest a lot. The stress leading up to this from last month carried over to a degree, so I never got fully back on my feet and now…it’s hard. To stand or sit, some days. It’s frustrating, but I’m trying not to let it get me down. I am sad a lot, but there are things beyond my control, like politics, that affect that. Trying to just keep on keeping on, mostly.
            Enough of that bad stuff. Good things? Good things. I got back into Magic the Gathering and while originally, that was a cause of stress and late nights, I’ve gained a smidge of self-control and been able to let go of losses and mostly just enjoy the game, the lore, and the universe, like I did when I was a kid. Nostalgia has been a bit painful at times, but ultimately good, I think. Revisiting some of the works of Jim Henson to boost my spirits, and I never got to see Fraggle Rock, so this is a perfect excuse. It’s good fun. I also found a tailor for my coat. There was a hole in it and it…should be mended by Sunday? Fingers crossed.
            My students are great these days. Not always happy, as it is test season, but I’m so proud of many of them for how far they’ve come. Others have risen out of the new school year funk and are actually trying to have fun, which makes my job easier. I have had to be stern with a few of them, but mostly, classes are going well.
            I’m always grateful for the people who’ve tried to keep up with me, because in my life, the experience is that it’s easy to forget your wayward friend. And to the person who gave me my care package, I must give my eternal thanks…though, Facebook thanks are coming soon. I got so much mac and cheese to make once I’m healthy again, haha. Final thoughts are that I want to be healthy and have a bit of normalcy in my life for a bit. It would be nice. I’m making due and playing a few games to help me relax, but I’m honestly less inclined to play so much these days.
            I miss my girlfriend a good bit. I was sick and cuddling with her was nice when she was here. I knew it’d be tough when she was gone back home, but even with the contact we’ve had, it remains a bit difficult for me to forget all the huggings and journeying. I miss you.
            And with that, I’ll end. Hopefully next month will bring better things. I had to take a lot of time off my book due to sickness, but it is finished and so are a few one shots, so I hope I can get back to editing and maybe a bit of recreational reading soon.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 9, 2019

May 9, 2019
            Not really feeling like updates now, but sure, whatever. I’ve had a rough patch of it. The stress of getting everything ready for my vacation was mostly worth it. I got to meet with my GF and we had a great time together…except that I was sick. And have been sick for the last 14-15 days. So, that was fun. I hate visiting the doctor because it’s always the same. Bronchitis. Always bronchitis. Still, that didn’t stop me from traveling.
            I returned to Hakodate with my GF, who I am intentionally not naming due to privacy reasons, and we visited Goryokaku. Hokkaido had a late bloom of cherry blossoms, so we got to see them at the fortress. However, golden week meant crowds, and the line to get up the tower in Goryokaku was insane, so we passed on it. We wanted to go to a park as well, but after Goryokaku, the weather turned foul. It became cold and rainy for the rest of our trip.
            My GF was very kind and helped care for me while I was sick and her company gave me great relief. We ate a decent amount of burgers, but mostly we both wanted fries in Hokkaido. The legendary potatoes of the north were very delicious and helpful considering my stomach was acting up and she has a sensitive stomach at times as well. I feel a bit bad because she loves fish and sushi, but we didn’t get too much of that. We got some, but still…
            We headed up to Mt. Hakodate, however it was a somber trip. We got some good souveniers and saw the legendarily good movie the full course view of Mt. Hakodate, but the foul weather kicked up a fog that blocked the beautiful view. The climb up also tore us both up something fierce, me for being sick, her for having asthma. Ironically, the Sheraton, where we had to jump to after our first hotel stay ran out just a bit short, was all flash and no substance. A bit disappointing in terms of a stay, but we had each other. That made it okay.
            I really enjoyed cuddling.  It was helpful considering I felt pretty weak. We headed back home after that and enjoyed just being together as we prepared for my GF’s departure. It was…very sad. I miss her deeply already. I spent the rest of my vacation resting, but…these days I feel a bit weird about life. Not even games give me much joy. I didn’t rest much during the last month and now I just want to take a break. So, I think I will. Not sure when I’ll be back, but I hope everyone reading has a good day.

Monday, April 15, 2019

April 16, 2019

April 16, 2019
            Man…has it REALLY only been a month? It feels like I’ve been going full speed for like…a year. Anyway, update time. This has been a rough patch for me. I’ve just had too many things in the air and been going full tilt to try and get everything sorted. I think the worst is over, but I’ve had my bosses come for a visit, I’ve had my reservation nightmare with my golden week holiday, I’ve started archiving livestreams of a wonderful streamer, who doesn’t have an archive of her own, and I dealt with the death of my PS4 after only two years. Christ, it’s been…it’s been an ordeal. To the point where even getting a full night’s sleep has been difficult for me. But, the worst is over, as far as I can tell.
            So, this month, I’ve agreed to take on an extra day of work, that’s not gonna be fun, but I should get another day off later on. It’s to help out a friend. I got all my reservations taken care of and have the shinkansen tickets to Hokkaido in my hot little hand so that my GF and I can have a wonderful little vacation there. We also started a new year at the school, which often involves schedule changes, which can be good or bad, but for me, change is difficult to adjust to, so it’s taking time. I don’t like working too little, honestly. As weird as that may sound, I feel…indolent and like my presence isn’t needed when I don’t have a minimum level of stuff to do, I guess. So, while I don’t like overworking to the extreme, I like underworking even less. I imagine it’ll sort itself as time goes on, but for right now, it’s been odd.
            I got my contract extension, which is nice, but the weather here has been crazy. The odd temperature shifts have made it difficult to predict what to wear in terms of clothing. We had snow last Wednesday. In APRIL. I think that might be what’s messed with my sleep as well? Not sure.
            I had my PS4 die as well and two years…that seems awfully short considering. I handled it as best I could, no shouting, no screaming, this isn’t my first hardware failure, but still, it was depressing. Lost lots of data, but selling the broken one and buying a new one seemed the best option, as repairs cost almost as much as a brand new system. Incidentally, I want to like Vampyr, but the combat scales too fast and it becomes unfun, I love Sekiro, mixing ninja stealth with Dark Souls action, and Tetris Effect is a treat for the senses. Highly recommended.
            In news that makes me want to laugh, smile, and cry, Laura Shigihara, one of THE most talented musical minds in gaming, if not the world, started live streaming on Twitch. She’s a great game designer, and a fantastic musician, with perfect pitch as far as I can tell. She plays music she made, but also takes requests, and she’s so adorable! Unfortunately, I learned a harsh lesson from Twitch. They don’t archive videos for very long. So, I made copies to preserve them for posterity…and beat out Twitch deleting her old backlong by about 12 hours. Christ. Still, I have been archiving them and that’s been both gratifying, as it’s nice to have some responsibility, but also it takes a lot of work and management, as these are not small files. Often her streams go for hours at a time. That said, I love watching and listening to her. Laura is so funny and charming and her music makes you want to cry, laugh, smile, all in the best of ways. It’s been nostalgia for me, but nostalgia I hope that continues for a long time. Hehe, I have to tell about how she started singing Sesame Street songs and it got me looking at the more modern Cookie Monster sketches with John Oliver, and many others. Dear lord, they are so funny. So insanely funny, haha. The responsibility is another heavy weight, but with most of my other stuff sorted, I think I can manage.
            I’ve also been preparing for my JLPT stuff and had to buy a USB dvd player, which was…weird. Amazing how fast CD’s have been phased out, considering. I also saw my doctor and my foot is getting better, should be sorted before Golden Week. We also had Hanami, or cherry blossom flower viewing here, which…the weather made awkward, as flowers would open, then die from a sudden cold snap. Still, I got to see a little of it in Tsutsujigaoka, which was nice. Nothing beats a snow of flower petals all around you. It’s clear to see why it’s such a striking moment in most anime.
            I still have a lot on my plate, what with trying to get back to a regular sleeping and walking cycle for exercise, classes, archiving, and all that, but after so many things have been resolved for the better, I think it’ll get easier. And I’ve loved talking with my girlfriend. She’s been a great help in dealing with all this and she’s on her way to Japan as we speak. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to show her Mt. Hakodate.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 7, 2019

March 7, 2019
So…not sure where to start with this one. I mean, life’s been up and down a bit, but not really bad. I finished my immigration work and have a new lease on life here in Natori, another year in Japan(thank god.) I also got locked out of my reservations for my cruise in Golden Week…the phone lines were so busy that I couldn’t get through. So that was a bummer. My GF is amazing, though. She helped me deal with the disappointment and is very accommodating. Speaking of how awesome she is, I got a care package from her full of macaroni, stuffing mix, and(dadada trumpet sounds) rice crispy treats! I haven’t had these in like a decade and by god, they are delicious. She also made some cool gifts for the students, a bunch of cute plushies. She can do anything.
My glasses of over 7 years finally snapped in half as well, from overuse. Because I am a smarty, I had a backup pair, but it feels weird, so I may get a new frame for my old glasses, as well as a new prescription. A friend helped me with a recommendation for a good glasses shop, so I should be set. I also keep seeing my skin doctor. Bacterial infection in my foot is long gone, but because of the dead skin, it opened up the possibility for fungal infection, so I’m dealing with that…again. Sigh. Potato, potato, I just wish it would stop itching. I can’t go to the bath house, either, until this gets settled. I finished my extra classes for Natori city and it was nice to finally have a chance to rest. My sleep cycle is a bit off these days as well. No clue why, I go to bed early, but just lay awake instead of sleeping.
Like I said, mixed bag. I’ll be happy when Golden Week rolls around, so I can see my GF in person. It’ll be awesome. I do still need to make proper reservations for Shinkansen tickets, though, so that worries me. With how fast I got locked out of the cruise, I will have to be up early in the morning to get the reservations in online.
In gaming news, I like Warframe, but I’ve shelved it again for now. Too much grinding and not enough fun anymore. I finished all the story content anyway, so…ehhhhhh? I also have Kingdom Hearts 3, which is fun, but…ehhhhhhh? I mean, it feels both half baked, and very over designed. If that makes sense. March is the month of amazing releases though, so I plan to get the new Devil May Cry, Sekhiro, and a few indie titles I missed out on, like Vampyr, and Tetris Effect. Also, for Switch owners, try Bomb Chicken. It’s hilarious, adorable, and very fun as puzzle platformers go. And with that, adieu until next time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 6, 2019

February 6, 2019
Going to keep this entry a bit short. I don’t have much going on these days in terms of exciting news. Nothing bad either though. I’m doing my regular job, talking with my girlfriend and making plans for our vacation together. I am readying myself for the level 5 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test in Summer, and beyond that, trying to survive the cold, which coupled with the wind is too much even for me. I saw my foot doctor recently and I’m healing nicely, and I am teaching a few extra classes for Natori city. These’re good kids who will head off to Canada for probably their first abroad experience in March. I hope I can provide them with some good knowledge. Unlike last year, though, I’m not alone in this, as I only do half and my partner at my school will take care of the last half. It’s a nice relief, as I don’t have to juggle a month of extra lessons on my weekend.
I did celebrate my 31st birthday, but it wasn’t anything too special. A student gave me a cake, and I, in turn, gave them a present since our birthdays coincided. I also got to spend time with my GF, play some good games, and relax, most importantly. Still waiting on Kingdom Hearts 3 in the mail, event of the year, and study materials for the JLPT.
Life is mostly quiet. I’m happy, by and large. I play my games, write my book, and talk to my GF every chance I get and I am still planning for the future. Still need lots of sleep, but it’s nice to have the option to get it. I wouldn’t have had that in the States, probably. I do miss cooking, stateside, though. And my family had a new baby! My brother’s got his second kid! So exciting…but I’m not there for it, so I’m excited by relation? Hehe. The last bit of news for me would be that one of my students who got hurt in an accident returned to class recently and it was so good to see them again. They’re wonderful and I’m glad the accident didn’t leave them crippled.  I’m still in Japan, but not sure when the next entry will be. Life’s hit routine, you know? Either way, life is good.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 11, 2019 + Photos

January 11, 2019
New year, new opportunities! My new years wasn’t bad…wow, that feels weird as an opener. Lemme start again. I had a bacterial infection in my foot that, thankfully, my medicine helped me deal with, but good grief, did my foot itch like the Dickins all throughout the new year holiday. I had a lot of interesting moments, but mostly, I just tried to rest.
First interesting moment, I went to Ishinomaki, which is a town a good distance from Sendai, about 2 hours by local train. I like riding the trains when I can see the world passing me by, but I had to get up early, so I was mostly just sleepy. Still, what’s in Ishinomaki? Why, the Shotaro Ishinomori museum! Never heard of him? Well, he’s only a prolific mangaka on the same level of cultural influence as Miyazaki and Tezuka. Ishinomori created Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Cyborg 009, among many others, and the Nintendo Power Legend of Zelda comic. He’s an amazing genius and the city honors him with countless statues of his characters decorating the sidewalks and a massive, beautiful museum. There, I got to learn a lot about his history and see a 3-d area full of cool stuff, from the Cyborg 009 lab, to the hall of Kamen rider helmets, to the Kikaider creation lab. He even made Kaito, a hero for Ishinomaki who rides a jet ski. I ate some whale and got to learn a lot about the history of a great mangaka, which was all very fun, buuuuuuuttttttt…the sad thing is, Ishinomori has an almost inexhaustible number of manga he wrote, many of which look fascinating. His early sci-fi works and his particular art style are moody, atmospheric, and can easily evoke comedy or tragedy. Yet, he’s barely known in the west and his early works aren’t even that famous in Japan. It’s frustrating because I wasn’t allowed to take pictures of his early work, but it looks…just amazing. It’s something I’d love to read, from “The 11 complete,” To “Ten billion days and on hundred billion nights,” to “The great age of the dinosaurs.” It’s stuff that never made it stateside, even via the internet and scanlations. I want to read! So, a bit bittersweet in that regard.
I spent a lot of time with my girlfriend face to face talking and playing games and just through IM. I admit, after Ishinomaki, I just wanted to be lazy, as the trip took it out of me, but the day before, we played holiday Overcooked, watched some fun anime, I shared with her my favorite Christmas traditions during the Christmas week as well. It’s been a great time. It’s been ages since I’ve found someone I’m happy just being in the company of. Good thing there’s love there too, eh? Haha, I can’t wait for our spring adventures together.
In other news, I headed to the ocean for new years day. I ate the apple and apple jam one of my students gave me and good lord, it was so good…so addictively good…I would pay for more if only I could. But it was a one of, so I can’t. The ride to the ocean was cold and some of the old buildings that had still been standing from the tsunami’s days were gone. A bit sad, really. I always feel sad when old things are removed for progress. A rice field near my home was filled in with dirt for a construction project and…it just feels so poignantly sad. Anyway, the ocean was beautiful, but the wind on the way home tore at my very bones.
A good portion of my new years holiday was devoted to Sherlock Hound, a fun little animated gem from pre-Ghibli Miyazaki, who made an anime about Sherlock Holmes if the entire world were anthropomorphic dog people. It’s charming and wonderful. I only got through half the series, but that leaves me with other things to watch this year, hehe.

Last bit of update before photos. I went to the doctor again and my foot infection seems to be gone, but the itchiness remains, so he gave me a steroid cream to help with the healing process. The doctor I go to and his clinic are fast and competent and it makes the trip to Kitayobancho much more bearable, though I was still very tired by the end of it. Right now, I’m still trying to get back into the regular routine of life after the holidays, but I also have to take it easy with my walking because of my foot. It’s not fully healed, so…that’s frustrating, but understandable. As I wait for some new game releases, I’m struggling with internet that is crapping out more and more and playing through Starcraft 2 again. Great story…perhaps one of the last good games Blizzard made that wasn’t an “online service,” Bleh…anyway, it’s been a good start to a new year. Pictures below. Enjoy!
Welcome to Ishinomaki, the town that loves Shotaro Ishinomori and his works

And I mean LOVES, look at this, a Cyborg 009 stained glass window!

The 9 cyborgs and several other cool anime characters are all over the streets to honor Ishinomori. This is #3

#1 and #5. #1 is the baby. Yes really.


#9, the hero himself




Kamen Rider!

Yes, Ishinomori is the father of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai

UFO museum! Actually, this is the Shotaro Ishinomori Manga museum

With beautiful scenery

Hero of Ishinomaki, the great Kaito


Kamen Rider Drive's car, the only Rider to not ride a motor cycle...well, I mean...Gaim technically had a scooter, but...

Running at the reader, eh?

This slum was where a huge number of legendary mangaka got their start, working and supporting one another until Manga became mainstream, the way we now know it.

A rare Stephen appears! With his buddy, Kamen Rider Ichigo!

This is an old story from Ishinomori I'd love to read, but sadly, a lot of his work is unknown. This one doesn't even have an English translation or scans online. Sad.

The rest of these are far better known, like 009, Kikaider, or the Tokusatsu

Welcome to the 009 lab, full of-

AGH! He's changing into a cat!

So much Kamen Rider

Helmets of every rider from the beginning to now

Be the Kamen Rider! Ride the motorcycle!

And fight the baddies! Such a cool museum!