7, 2019
So…not sure where to start with this one. I mean, life’s
been up and down a bit, but not really bad. I finished my immigration work and
have a new lease on life here in Natori, another year in Japan(thank god.) I
also got locked out of my reservations for my cruise in Golden Week…the phone
lines were so busy that I couldn’t get through. So that was a bummer. My GF is
amazing, though. She helped me deal with the disappointment and is very accommodating.
Speaking of how awesome she is, I got a care package from her full of macaroni,
stuffing mix, and(dadada trumpet sounds) rice crispy treats! I haven’t had
these in like a decade and by god, they are delicious. She also made some cool
gifts for the students, a bunch of cute plushies. She can do anything.
My glasses of over 7 years finally snapped in half as well,
from overuse. Because I am a smarty, I had a backup pair, but it feels weird,
so I may get a new frame for my old glasses, as well as a new prescription. A
friend helped me with a recommendation for a good glasses shop, so I should be
set. I also keep seeing my skin doctor. Bacterial infection in my foot is long
gone, but because of the dead skin, it opened up the possibility for fungal
infection, so I’m dealing with that…again. Sigh. Potato, potato, I just wish it
would stop itching. I can’t go to the bath house, either, until this gets
settled. I finished my extra classes for Natori city and it was nice to finally
have a chance to rest. My sleep cycle is a bit off these days as well. No clue
why, I go to bed early, but just lay awake instead of sleeping.
Like I said, mixed bag. I’ll be happy when Golden Week rolls
around, so I can see my GF in person. It’ll be awesome. I do still need to make
proper reservations for Shinkansen tickets, though, so that worries me. With
how fast I got locked out of the cruise, I will have to be up early in the
morning to get the reservations in online.
In gaming news, I like Warframe, but I’ve shelved it again
for now. Too much grinding and not enough fun anymore. I finished all the story
content anyway, so…ehhhhhh? I also have Kingdom Hearts 3, which is fun, but…ehhhhhhh?
I mean, it feels both half baked, and very over designed. If that makes sense.
March is the month of amazing releases though, so I plan to get the new Devil
May Cry, Sekhiro, and a few indie titles I missed out on, like Vampyr, and Tetris
Effect. Also, for Switch owners, try Bomb Chicken. It’s hilarious, adorable,
and very fun as puzzle platformers go. And with that, adieu until next time.