Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 11, 2018

July 11, 2018
            So, let’s get a few things out of the way first.  I have a super amazing mega cute story at the end of all my updates, wait for it, but I do have some house cleaning to do first.
            Item the first, I have seriously considered getting rid of all my social media outlets.  I won’t, because I know that some people would miss me and some people will care that I’m gone.  That’s basically all that ties me to it.  I don’t like the news in my feeds, it’s all depressing, and while I do like writing these, let’s be honest, less than 20 people read them each update.  It’s not a huge deal.  Also, throughout my life on Facebook or what have you, I’ve always had any statements or beliefs I’ve made be countered immediately, almost as a knee jerk reaction.  It frustrates me.  The people doing it aren’t necessarily wrong, but I just want to express myself and ironically, social media is not the place for that because it is like a den of wolves.
            Item the second, I have started going into online dating again.  That’s about all.  It’s for the experience at the moment, to get used to online dating and trying to reach out to people, but so far, I’ve had no bites and have nothing of real value to share.
            Item the third, I’m not in the best of moods, lately.  It’s not that life here isn’t great…to be honest, life here is beyond my wildest hopes and dreams and we’ll get to that, but I just feel listless and a little lost, especially when it comes to games, which are my primary stress relievers, so if my mood reflects that, I’m sorry, but this is me.  This is me right now as I write this.
            With all that out of the way, let me say summer has been kicking our butts up and down the pacific here in Natori.  The heat is manageable on some days, but others, walking outside feels like stepping into an oven.  I had to step into the oven and head into Sendai to get some new clothes and a few supplies for the school and it worked out well, I now have a reliable clothes vendor that fits me, shock of shocks.  I’ve been struggling with the heat and with dry throat because I NEED my A/C on whenever I’m home to just function.  It’s not all that bad and it is getting more manageable as I get used to it, but it has left the last month a bit difficult, which might add to my listless feeling.
            Now, for work. God, I love this job.  I love working as a teacher where I am right now.  We have a supportive staff, my skills continue to get better, and my students and I have developed the kind of rapport I can be proud of.  More on that later, but this job is probably the best one I’ve ever had in my life.  Point of fact, my bosses are also pretty awesome.  They sent a care package to our school and my part of it had instant mac and cheese that only needed water.  Now, you might think that the instant stuff isn’t that great…but good lord, no.  It’s magic. Magic in a little plastic cup.  I haven’t had mac for a solid year and this is something I need my family and friends to send me more of.  Haha, so good!
            I’ve recently had a chance to just relax, more like been forced to relax due to the heat, but it’s nice to just explore the shrines, visit my bath house, go to fine restaurants in my area, and try new things.  I tried the 8-cheese pizza from a local pizza shop, you know, a hole in the wall delivery place, and it’s wonderful.  I am gonna get me some more of that later.  The Seims shop near my house has also been a wonderful supply of useful items from cleaners to candy.  I love my candy.  Exercises are still going, though I do miss days once in a while due to things like scheduling.  I had to get my A/C cleaned one day and that started at 8 and lasted till 10, so I just collapsed after that and skipped it, for example. As a way to try and deal with my listlessness and because I have money now, I bought an SNES classic, but since it was the English version, it’ll be near the end of July that it arrives.  So sad. And my family is coming to visit me in August.  Super excited for that, though we couldn’t get tickets for the Ghibli museum.  Of course not.  So sad.  Or is it?  I’ll have a good time either way.  As I get older, I’ve learned to let go of fleeting sadness more and more to try and embrace the joy in life. My writing of my personal tarot book is going well, thank you friend who sent me the awesome leather tome, you know who you are.  I’ve got the major arcana and two minor arcana done.  Just two more minors, the face cards, and my personal tarot quiz from Ogre Battle. My writing is going well, but it’s become difficult at times to keep going.  I want to tell a great story but sitting down to write is hard.  Anyway, we’re entering end game.  When I finish around December, I’ll need to start looking for a serious copy editor and then shop it around to publishers.
            Before we get to the awesome story, I need to take a moment of silence.  It’s been very difficult for me personally for a number of reasons.  One of them was due to the toxicity of the politics in the US, which I try to avoid, but which still drags me down.  In other news, Daniel Floyd from Extra Credits stepped down as the iconic narrator, which was sad…he’s got a good replacement, nothing against Matt, but it’s the end of an era all around. He’s still making videos, and that’s cool, but…yeah…and what I’m still trying to process on some levels is the passing of John “TotalBiscuit,” Bain from cancer. He was a world changing force and a source of great joy, humor, and happiness in my life as a video critic, commentator, and pundit and he will be missed.  I donated to the charity set up to help his wife and played a few games I normally wouldn’t have in his honor.
            Okay, okay, you want the juicy stuff.  Let’s get to it.  So, the reason I decided to write this today was because I had a special feeling.  It doesn’t happen often, but as I was riding down to the bento shop during my break to get food, a voice calls out to me from a car.  “Hi Stephen!” I look and it’s one of my students.  I get my bento and another student shyly waves to me.  Another student I taught.  I am riding home and I get another call of, “Hey Stephen-sensei!” from yet another student. I’m no celebrity, but…it got to me, a little.  These people know me and they think kindly of me enough to say hello.  They smile and wish me well.  And put that together with this wonderful town, that has everything I want.  Everything I need.  And then ask me the question, “Could you see yourself living here in 20 years?”  You’re damn right I could.  Seeing my students grow and improve has been a joy of mine as a teacher from the very beginning, but this time, I just felt…home. I love Natori so very much.  If I ever do leave, like for Hokkaido or China or to return to the states, I’ll make it a point to visit again.  My favorite places in the world.  Number 1, Fushimi Inari.  It’s because of an old love. Number 2, Hakodate. It’s the food and the beauty.  Number 3, Natori.  Because it’s home.  And yes, for you readers getting upset, my hometown stateside is tied at number 4 with Osaka.  It too is wonderful, but…Natori has won me over.  So, that’s my little cute story.  About being home.  I’m glad to be here.  Always.  This places makes me so very happy.