16, 2018
time flies, eh? This update, courtesy of, “OH GOD, THE PAIN,” inc. So, where do
I begin? Let’s start with my
holiday. My job gave me a 5 day holiday
that I was happy to take advantage of near the start of April. What should one
do with such a treat? Go to the bath
house? Travel? I went to the dentist. Twice.
Why am I so stupid? Anyway, the
trip was mixed. I had one tooth out on
Thursday, March 29th, which was fine, I didn’t have issues with pain,
and ANOTHER tooth out on Monday the 2nd. This time, the pain knocked me on my
butt. I still went back to work, but
good lord, I struggled to function as a human being. Gaming?
Pfft, no way, too much pain.
Writing? Are you crazy? Sleeping was about all I could manage. It’s a bit better now, but…yeah, Wisdom teeth
being removed is no fun. They were
rotted with cavities, fyi, so that’s why the removal. Guess the cost? Stateside?
What, like a 1000 dollars? Here
in Japan? 30 and 10 dollars respectively. God, I love this country. In other dental news, I’m going back for
regular cleanings now. One was on
Monday, the others are coming later. I’m
using a new method of flossing called interdental brushing. It’s hard, but more satisfying than
flossing. I like having clean teeth and
I was able to talk a bit of vocabulary, both English and Japanese with the
staff, since they’re trying to learn English.
It’s nice having a reliable dentist again.
to the holiday shenanigans. I was
fortunate enough to have the time to go to the bath house and ride into the
mountains. I also went to Yamadera,
which was a nice little jaunt. I climbed
the mountain that the town was named for and got some truly spectacular photos
of the valley area that composes Yamadera.
Beautiful. The soba was good as
well, but the tempura was poor and over priced.
I also got to visit the museum of Matsuo Basho, who wrote some stunning
haikus, as well as a modern art museum before heading home. Good lord, I want a firefly lantern. They are so cool and awesome. During my time, I also found a local ramen
shop that is just bloody amazing. Everything
I’ve had there was excellent and the family who owns it is very nice. They’ve treated me well since they don’t know
any English and I know a bit of Japanese.
Maybe it’s just me being a novelty. Either way, I try to go there at
least once a week. It’s great food.
has been going much better lately. I
still deal with the same crap I’ve dealt with since I was a kid, like anxiety
and doubt, but the atmosphere is hugely improved. Our newest addition is very nice and though
schedule changes have made adapting a bit awkward here and there, it’s all
going swimmingly. I wanted to keep teaching
Saturday instead of switching over to teaching Monday. Partly it’s that I like routine, but partly…I
just don’t wanna leave my kids. They’re
so cool and though Saturday is easily the hardest day of the week, I’m so proud
of them. It makes it all worthwhile…and
also exhausting. I also had a chance to
get yakiniku with some of the teaching staff and we all had a grand time. Tried Karibi, which is a super tender cut of
meat that’s also super expensive. Good,
but can I have it every week? Hmmmm…
I also had a chance for one of the magical experiences of Japan. Unfortunately, it was a bit hit and
miss. Cherry Blossoms. I have so many photos of the beautiful walk
from Ogawara to Funaoka, which is laden with hundreds of cherry blossom
trees. I was so excited and seeing it is
truly humbling and makes me really reflective.
There was also a small festival and I got some food. Buuuuuuuut…and this is the big but, I had a
cold and despite it being springtime, the wind was like a jack hammer in my
face. So, while the first half of my
trek was pleasant, I felt like I could barely walk by the end because of my
cold and being slammed by the wind. It
was difficult to keep going and I stocked up on medicine hard when I got back. Found a new local pharmacy which suits my
needs well and-OHMYGODKUROISANDA!!!! They
have my favorite candy in the world from Hokkaido! And not in limited supply. Oh, happy day! I am going to get so fat…fatter…fattest…you
know what I mean.
about brings us o the present. Cold’s mostly
gone, as is the pain in my mouth, though some still remains. I’m pretty pleased with life here. I have money, so I can buy games without waiting
for sales, but I don’t have to. I
actually had a moment today where I thought, do I need an SNES classic? And…no, I don’t. I want only one game on it, the others I have
on my Wii, stateside. Pragmatism is a
hard, thankfully, habit to break. I’ve
been playing my Switch a lot lately, mostly for Battle Chef Brigade, which is a
super fun mix of monster hunting and match 3 style cooking. I got to talk to my family and best friend as
well, but I want to talk more! I miss
them! And friends from the states, and
my family, are making plans to see me. I
need to get on my plans for Golden Week, because I need to book a hotel and…will
I be able to? Not sure. We’ll see.
No matter how old or how experienced I get, I will always doubt myself,
but I had to stop and laugh this week on my way home. Life is so much better now than it was six
months ago. And the fact that life can
be this good is…really something. One
more before I go. I had Wantan ramen in
my ramen shop and it tasted, no joke, like Chinese wanton soup back in the
states, but better. I was amazed and it
was just what I needed. Those people are
wizards in the kitchen! Okay, so I’m
doing mostly great. I’m trying to get
some daily exercises into my rotation again, let’s see how long that lasts, and
I plan to start looking into online dating after Golden Week. To end, Vive le Brigade!
Psyche! Just kidding.
Did you think I forgot? Photo time!
Welcome to Yamadera |
I'm a sucker for tiny mountain towns like this, even if it is a bit of a tourist trap |
Say hello to the statues of Basho and Sora |
The rocks here are something else. Very odd weathering mixed with man-made designs |
Odd, weathered rocks |
One money shot of many. The view here is spectacular |
Did I mention I like the view? |
I couldn't resist. So cute! I want my own kitty, but I can't have one right now. |
Now, welcome to Cherry Blossom season |
Buckle up, it only gets better |
Sakura Matsuri, the cherry blossom festival for Hanami, or flower viewing. |
Would you look at that river and those trees |
Just look... |
No, really...LOOK! |
Sucker for rivers and the cherry blossoms make it that much more enjoyable |
I did get a few high altitude shots, but the wind was brutal, so my pictures might be a little...off. |
Say goodbye to cherry blossoms and the crazy wind of the day. It knocked me right the heck out. |